Sara's Journey
Hi Guys!
I am now back in Bangkok after travelling around Cambodia for 6 days! I have so much to tell you about Cambodia but will try and keep it relatively short as im afraid you have to go to Cambodia to appreciate what im about to try and explain!
We arrived in Phnom Penh after a 7 hour coach journey from Saigon (Vietnam). The coach wasnt too bad but when we reached the Cambodian border the roads were absolutely awful! They are literally one huge crater after another and our driver was a maniac so it felt like we were driving over the moon about 100 mph! We later found out that Cambodia has the worst roads in the world after Mozambique! None of them are surfaced and are literally mud tracks! We finally arrived in Phonm Penh (capital of Cambodia) only to be greated by a large group of children begging for food and money. I have witnessed alot of begging since travelling to South East Asia howver i have to say that these were the poorest children i had seen yet. I gave them my bottle of water and unopened bag of crisps and they ran off in delight.
We found a guest house and dumped our bags, we then just chilled out for the rest of the day and watched a movie as we were really tired from the journey. The next day we went to the S-21 which was a school converted into a prison during the Pol Pot Regime in Cambodia during which thousands of Cambodians were brutally murdered because the insane dictator Pol Pot wanted to start from the year dot and wipe out any one who was educated, in fact he went wanted to murder the Cambodian people for any possible reason, very much similar to the regime controlled by Hitler. It was so sad to see the rooms where people had been bludgeoned to death and tortured for no reason whatever. There are thousands of photos of all the victims including many women and children.
We then went to the Killing Fields in which all the bodies were taken and dumped into mass graves. Thousands of headless bodies were found in mass graves along with graves just full of naked women, pregnant women and children. The atmosphere was so eerie and it was so emotional as some of the victims clothes were still visible, sunken into the mud. It was all very emotional and a real eye-opener to what some people have been through.
On a lighter note, Jenny and i also stopped off at a shooting range and shot an M-16 machine gun! We shot it at a target and i managed to get two shots in the head (well shaving his hair off perhaps!) and jenny got one shot right in the targets eye! It was so funny to see us two girls who had never shot a gun before, shoot a really powerful one for the first time, the kickback was so powerful and the noise was immense! The photos look like something out of Top Gun! Tehy asked us if we wanted to shot a rocket launcher (which you had to go into the mountains and shoot!), an anti-aircraft gun and a hand granade! Not surprisingly, we declined the offers! It was absolutely mad that you could go to this place and shoot wahtever you wanted, the guys were loving it, they thought they were like Arnie!
I decided to leave for Siem Reap the next day as Jenny had already been there and didnt really want to go again so she stayed in Phonm Penh and i left with some guys we meet from London a few weeks ago. The coach journey to Siem Reap was another nightmare journey, surprise surprise! Dan (one of the lads from London) was sick on the bus out of the window and it went everywhere! We then stopped to pick up about 10 locals and there was no room left on the bus so the bus driver stopped to pick some plastic chairs (the size of dolls house ones!) and put them down the aisle of the bus! It was insane! The bus was jam packed and it was so hot! I had a Cambodian family squeezed in the aisle next to me and the little boy was isck everywhere (sick bus!), he looked so ill that the bsu stopped to drop him off at the hospital. Oh and to top it off w ehad another crazy bus driver who nearly crashed two times and i went flying into the seat infront, all in all, a pleasnt journey! At least i can look back and laugh (?!!!).
We arrived in Siem Reap to a mad mob of about 100 tuk tuk drivers who were desperate for your business so were practically climbing over each other, it was so bad that there was a security guard with an electric cattle prod to keep them away from us!
We eventually found a guest house and then got our tickets to see the famous Angkor Wat temples for the next day. I cant even begin to explain how magnificant these temples were, the photos dont do it justice. When i first saw Angkor Wat, it was one of those moments in life when you ahve to take step back and actually pinch yourself to see if your not dreaming. I wont try and explain what they were like, you will have to go and see for yourselves as its one the best things ive done yet!
The next day we jsut chilled out as it really takes it out of you walking around in 35 degree heat all day. I went to the local childresn hospital and gave blood as they are in really short supply. I didnt get the usual cup of tea after but a can of coke and a WHOLE packet of biscuits,mmm!
I flew out of Siem Reap at about 7.30pm and meet Jenny in Bangkok. We are catching a bus tonight to Koh Phi Phi (one of the southern islands just off of Phuket). We leave at 6pm tonight and arrive at midday tomorrow! I cant believe we only have one week left in South Eats Asia before flying to Bali!
Any way i will stop blabbering on mow and leave you all to get on with your work (he he!).
Love Sara
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