'To be sure...'
Ireland I've landed!
My day started at the red eye time of 3.30am... With 4 hours sleep I trudged off to Luton Airport via cab. Once again not quite completely smooth sailing as desired. I had told him I only had my bank card, no cash.. But then when we get to the airport he tries to sting me an extra £10 to use card! NO CHANCE!!! In a huff I had to run to the terminal & withdraw... Ran back, gave him £50, was suppose to be £55 but I felt really owed somewhere along these lines... Lol... He ranted 'you're stupid' as I poked my tongue out & bolted. I felt so invincible at this point. Stripped of patience.
I present myself to check in, they try sting me £15 for not having a printed ticket - as I had checked in online but their system wouldn't let me print off! So of course I had to plee my case to the board at the other side of the terminal. 'Oh yes, our system is having problems at the moment'. Great. Thanks. Ran back to other guy & got my ticket. I asked him twice about getting through security, times, where the gate was etc.. The over zealous traveller now!
I reach security. Longest queues I have ever seen anywhere! I ran to an attendant, stated my gate was closing in 10 minutes. 'Oh you can go through the priority line, just pay me £4.' Can you imagine my face at this point!? I said there was no way I was paying, not missing this flight! I then pleaded with another dude, he was lovely & raced me to the front of the queue. And no charge.
Now, this is where I am about to lose my s***. I'm pulled over for full body search. My bags, everything! Holding back tears. But what got me the most was how blasé they were, they were laughing at me, I really felt they didn't give a s*** at all, in fact wanted me to miss my flight!! Eventually got my stuff, by times rights my gate was now closed. I sprinted to the gate, the furthest possible gate too might I add! Sweaty brow, but boarding! Just to top it off, there were too many hand luggage a on board so I was poached to put mine in cargo.
Something has to give... Surely!?
Well, it did... I was delirious, past the point of anger, in fact I had thrown my hands up & just literally LOL.
I had the lovely lady next to me in stitches. We really clicked, and WOW did she have her own story. She was in Ireland for a very interesting reason, & something I can relate very well to. Let's just say - her best friend is adopted, she's been on the hunt for her maternal mother for 10years. She's found her. But she (mother) is now a nun... My new found friend was there to visit this woman (nun) & be the ice breaking inbetweener. I can only say this much out of respect... But we were in such full on conversation, I was meant to meet her. Of course I shared a little about my past & how my life was turned upside down with my dad & unknown brother & sister (& 3 beautiful nieces) coming into my life 10 years ago. All my emotions from back then flooded back, it made me realise how much I have dealt with personally in this 10 years.
I can't continue this journal right now. I'm getting a bit emo & I'm at a bar. That's not cool. But my first & second Guinness are going really well! Xx
Today 'to be sure'...
- comments
Cath You'll look back on all these mishaps and laugh one day! The first place I would have headed to was the bar too!! Fun to be had to be sure, to be sure! Xx