Sarah J's Fully Sick Travel Page
Hey Everyone!
Well i've had my pics of Paris on here for a while now, so now it's time to tell you what I did.
I left London on the eurostar, it takes just under 3 hours and arrives in the heart of Paris which is very handy. I made my way to my hostel/hotel and checked in, while I was doing so I met Anthony, a 21 year old Canadian who was doing a 3 week euro trip.
We dined at a little french cafe, and after being in England for 3 weeks I thought I was in heaven when I ate here! The prices were also alot better on the bank account.
We then went for a stroll down the Seine and saw Notre Dame by night, then wandered down Champs Elysses...which is the busiest road in Pairs and saw the Egyptian obelisk and Arc de Triumph. Anthony introduced me to the best dessert the french have ever come up with...the chocolate crepe. A hot crepe with nutella spread over the top...mmm...even if you don't want to go to france for any other reason, go for the chocolate crepes.
We then made it to the eiffel tower, by this stage it was 12:30am, on the hour every hour the tower lights up with special strobe lights that flicker and gives it a sparkling effect. I was directly under the tower at 1am when the special lights came was awesome, its so mesmerising and beautiful, definately one of the best things i've seen on my travels thus far. I was extremely sore by the time we got back to the hostel, we did heaps and heaps of walking.
The next day Anthony and I went back to Notre Dame and got to inside this time. Its interesting that this church was almost left to ruin, it was Victor Hugo with his story 'the hunchback of notre dame' that revived this church. It also was covered in soot or some other blackish substance, it didn't always used to be was cleaned by a laser believe it or not.
I then got to climb the stairs to the top of the church and had some spectacular views of paris.
Anthony and I have both read the da vinci code, so we thought since we're in paris we should check out st sulpice where part of the book is set. Its quite a nice church, the pipe organ was playing which added to the atmosphere.
After that we strolled through a beautiful park observing parisians doing their everyday thing, then headed for the eiffel tower again, but this time went 115m up to the 2nd observation deck. The views were beautiful...I did the London eye in London, but from a birds eye view paris takes the cake.
The next day we headed out to Versailles, the massive chateau and yeah it was massive. Built in the time of king Louis IX no expense was spared here, I personally think it borders on ridiculus. I got to see the hall of mirrors which is where Hitler once made a famous speech and saw the largest canvas painting in europe, which evidently was on a ceiling.
When we headed back to the city, the Lourve was our next stop, this is also massive with a staggering 30 000 pieces of art, although i'd love to spend 10 years looking at all of it, time doesn't permit. However, I did get to see the Italian section which had Venus de Milo, Michalangelo's dying slave, Da Vinci's madonna on the rocks and of course the mona lisa. It really does get annoying painting after painting depicting christ being crucified, so I went to the Egyptian section and had a look there.
After the Lourve I had some french onion soup for dinner, then headed to the eiffel tower to meet for a bike tour. There was me and about 8 other people on the tour that night and one girl happened to be from Newcastle who is about to head home after being an Au pair in Switzerland and Spain.
The tour was fantastic, the sun was on its way down and there was a warm breeze in the air, just the perfect night for riding a bike through paris. Clint, our guide would stop us at various points and tell us cool stuff about some of the buildings...he also took us to the Isle of St Louis, the most exclusive place in paris and as I found out also has the best ice cream in paris. A Seine river cruise was also included in the tour which was to go under "new" bridge which happens to be the oldest bridge in paris. And also got to see two random guys who mooned us...just the thing i wanted to see to top off my visit to paris!
I really love this city and its my favourite destination thus far. Something i found very funny that i've never seen before is the buskers in paris take busking to a whole new level. Instead of just finding a place in the train station, these guys hopped on the train and were singing to some music they brought on with was a crack up! I've never been so entertained whilst on a train!
France is cool and i'm sure i'll be back at some stage.
TTFN- ta ta for now.
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