Greater Bristol is the largest (by pootiaulpn) metropolitan area in England that is not a Metropolitan County and does not therefore have a PTA/PTE structure with its much more productive relationship with operators of public transport. But very recently a senior manager from GMPTE pointed out to an international conference that they have 10 local Councils within the GM area, and all have to agree when a county-wide transport scheme bids for central govt funding - not easy. There are believed to be 3 areas that are candidates for applying for brand new ITA status (and also the current PTA/PTE areas in England are expected to convert). One candidate is South Hampshire, where there already is a Joint Local Committee for transport. Another is the Nottingham area, but there are hints that Nottingham City and the County are not entirely in agreement. Greater Bristol has been trying to get agreement on a formal Joint Committee for a while, but it never seems to happen, so how and when the area moves to ITA status is unknown - 3 years has been suggested (which probably means 6). If in the interim a rapid move to a bus QC is suggested, it really needs to cover Greater Bristol to be any use.
RitaI often wdeonr the same thing, should I go ahead and do it? The whole process makes me angry. Writing queries is hard and you can have a good novel, but if you are not good at cramming your whole novel in 200 words, you're out of luck. Good luck with this.
Wham bam thank you, ma'am, my qutesions are answered!
I echo your Grandmother's sentiments.
I especially look forward to hearing all about the Leontief Paradox
Grandma Sampson
Sarah, No one has posted a message for a long time so since you're about on your way home I'll take this opportunity to again say how much we've enjoyed your travel blog. You have made the most of the opportunity you've had of being there and have made memories you'll never forget. Good luck on the finals. Today we got an email message from "Best of Big Red" saying there are 18 days to Kickoff! You'll soon be back in the swing of Rush Week and again enjoying your new living arrangement with your friends. Be glad to know when you're back in the U.S., safely.
Love from your Grandpa Sampson and I.
Thanks for keeping me awake the other night! If i would have known how tired you were i would not have kept you up! Im pretty sure I left you ANOTHER message on your voicemail last night.. i think its the 3rd one now but its the only way i can hear your voice! Im glad you are having fun and you will continue to when you get back cause football season is almost here!! Miss you tons
Grandma Cummings
Sarah, Enjoying you blogs. Hope Oxford is good experience for you. I wrote earlier but don't see it on the message board. I'm probably not doing it right. Anyway keep up the blogs we love reading them. Luv Grandma & Grandpa
Jenn Sampson
For some reason I am always hungry after reading your blog...
Today's tip. Beer and Karoake don't mix. Although you'll think you sound like a rock star.
I'm so glad to hear that your European experience is going amazing!! Live everything up while you are there, JOURNAL LOTS, take lots of pictures, don't break your camera, don't stay in any European vehicles at night with your friends, try every single beer you can and ya, just have fun!
Love you and miss you! Can't wait to swap summer pictures and stories!!
Grandma Sampson
Hi Sarah, Well like Jenn I fell for the topless thing too. But because I thought "Well when in Rome"....) but your modesty gene kicked in! Good for you.
Love you Sarah much and always......
Jenn Sampson
Wow, I totally fell for your joke about the topless thing. I was surprised! I really can't wait to see your photos. Good luck with the classes, I am sure you will do fine with that.