Hey everyone!
Well, good news...Mallory and I made it safely to Paris by train, got here at about 11:30am and checked into our hotel. We were pretty excited to have a room that didn't smell like dead animals and have a shower the was separate from the toilet and sink. haha...We both took showers as soon as we got here because after a long day of traveling yesterday, along with no sleep last night, and traveling 3 hours by train today...I'm sure the front desk at the hotel thought we came in off of the streets and I'm sure we smelled terrific.
Our hotel is in a nice location, close to the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triumph. We are going to get something to eat and take a little nap before we do any site seeing because we are pretty tired and it is raining here today. Anyways, so we are safe and sound!
Oh and Grandma and Grandpa will enjoy this...One thing I do miss about the hotel in Calais was the small kitty that roamed around the lobby. She was adorable and would lay on Mallory's lap on her back and loved having her stomach rubbed. She was soo cute...we thought about sending a picture to Mom and telling her we are bringing it home with us. I'm sure she...and Jack would have loved that! Mallory and I wanted to take her home with us so bad, but we did get some cute pictures!
Alright, well I'm off to get some food and to sleep for a while. If any of you read this in the next hour, we have free internet for the next half hour or feel free to give us a call! Love and miss you all!!
Oh and by the way...see the thing that says "Message Board" up top? Click that and write me a message, please! A couple of you already have and I would love to hear from everyone else!
Au Revoir from Paris!!
<3 Sarah
- comments
Janeth Hi! I just love the images you put in here. They fit so well with what you're trnyig to say. I'm sure you'll reach so many people with what you've got to say. Good luck!
Ismaheel It depends how long is this trip, for 1 day trips Blue cervoed it pretty good. I'm not sure you need to zip lock stuff though hahaha. I go on a lot of 1 day trips, ala weekend warrior, actually most of my shred season is spent that way. And the most important item I have, besides my set up is a good backpack. I have a backpack that carries my snowboard, and my boots. I wear my snowboarding clothes, so don't even have to use a locker. After I gear up I just put my shoes in my backpack. And it covers my back better than any impact protection in the market. Now for multiple day trips, just make sure you pack enough socks.