It's now the new year, and wow has it come round quick!
Well we packed some of our stuff ready for leaving for Australia, knowing that tomorrow we are probably going to feel a bit worse for wear.
Our plans for the new years eve was to get food and go watch fireworks on the beach.
Well our plans moreorless changed straight away. We sold our DVDs that we had been watching as we had no need for them anymore and thought it would give us some extra cash for the night.
As soon as we had got back from town, the receptionist called us over and asked for us to join her and her friend for some drinks. So we were like sure, free drink why not.
This is where we ended up meeting an Australian couple, who live near the sunshine coast. We also met some guys from Israel, who we ended up getting drinks with and then the guys took us for some israelian food, hummus. :)
We then got dropped off at the beach where we had a wonder watching people let off sky lanterns and fireworks being fired off. While each resort had a band playing, giving the beach a fun atmosphere.
We ended up finding some deck chairs, that we claimed for the most of the night, relaxing and watching everything go off around us. When the fireworks went off for the new year, the were lots of beautiful displays of fireworks, some that would even bounce of the water!
The next day we met the Australian couple, who we ended up getting contact details from and said if we are in the area we are more than welcome to visit, they have a spare bedroom and they live on a 5 acre farm, with kangaroos and horses, sounds cool. Very nice of them too! :)
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