Bonjour bonjour!!
Well Ruth and I have made it to Paris!!! It is pretty surreal being here, it hasn't quite sunk in yet!
We arrived in Paris on the 12th of April at around 8am completely b*****ed and dirty after 14 or so hours of travelling!� We braved the buses and metro and travelled them to our part of Paris and found our hotel.� We arrived there around 9.30, and unfortunately they have a lock out each day from 10-3 while they clean the rooms, so we dropped our luggae of in the storage room then were out on our bums in the streets of Paris-unshowered, unslept and freezing!� We wandered around for a while, eventually settling in a cafe for some tea that cost about $8 each!!!� We checked out a French lingerie shop which was all to tempting, and finally after five hours headed back to our hotel!� We then spent about an hour showering and scrubbing all the Kathmadu dirt of ourselves until we were so shiny and clean that you could have seen your reflection in us!!� We took advantageof the local laundromatte where we chatted to a local guy who wanted us to teach him English..escaped from him, got a quick dinner of fried rice and taboli and headed back for a good sleep!
The next day we explored some local markets which had so many good foods - heaps pf salamis, cheeses, fresh fruits and vegetables, lollies, dried fruits, breads and deli style stuff!� It was so good after Nepal!!� We bought some avocados, oranges, tomatoes, salami, falafel, taboli and a baguette for lunch!� We then metroed off to the Eiffel Tower and got hit by a sudden downpour and gale force wind which came out of nowhere, so (once the rain stopped) we could only get to the second floor as the third was closed due to the wind!� The views of Paris were still absolutely amazing though!!!
After getting many photos of us and the Eiffel Tower we headed back to our hotel, had a picnic in our room using the remain of our lunch and went to bed! A great day!!
Today we are planning on visiting the Lourve, and maybe Notre Dame, before heading to Antibes tomorrow by train!
I will keep you updated!!!
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