what are chi chi tunnels??? the look a bit dodgy?! why do you have to get in them? what do they do, they are worrying me :(
Hi Girls - Naomi just wanted to tell you that your footwear concept that you worked so hard on at George has been signed off and is now model!! Well done, a huge boost to us and a feather in your cap! Keep updating the blog, we are following it closely in the office. Enjoy your travels. Love Carl x
Hi Naomi and Sarah,
Thanks so much for the fantastic pics. It is wonderful to see all that you are up to. Can't wait to sample your newly found recipes - will we get all the ingredients we need from Sainsbo's? Wasn't too sure about the caves but then, unlike you two I would never have been able to fit down the hole in the first place!!! Standing by waiting for the boxes to arrive! Sounds as if Dad better get busy with the DIY and make a new wardrobe. Enjoy the days ahead......miss you.....love you....from Mum, Dad and Ed
Julie, Steve, Dom And Will
Sorry haven't written so much been having a fantastic time with Joe and the girls... they've gone home now and I'm missing them so much! You both look fantastic! You're supposed to be slumming it and yet in every picture you both look stunning!! Can't wait to see the clothes you got made. Must go now the exciting world of cardboard boxes is waiting... bet you're jealous now?? Have a fab time.. and no more tiny caves Nano!!! xxx
Nana & Granddad
Hi Sarah & Naomi
Fantastic blog & photos!! Very impressed with the cooking - expect great things when you get home. Enjoy the rest of the tour - keep us posted.
lots of love
Nana & Granddad
|Linda Hughes
Hi Naomi and Sarah,
Lovely pictures. Hope you are both having a FANTASTIC TIME. Take care. Missing you loads. Linda xx
Come along girls - we need more pics! Are you at the tailors 24/7?!! We don't mind how many clothes you have made even if it does mean ANOTHER wardrobe - just send more pics!
Lots of love, we miss you
from Mum, Dad and Ed
Auntie Susan
hi- off on my hols tomorrow, just wanted to tell you that i have just handed in my resignation!! got offered a new job clinical nurse specialist for sexual health over the whole of buckinghamshire-scary but exciting!!! pleased to hear you seem to be having a fantastic time , keep safe , stick together and enjoy! missing you lots , kids send their love- sue and tony xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Hickface looks super dooper fantastic!!! Chang bMai is AMAZING!!! ahhh so long to go still how exciting!
Miss ure hick type lokking face! mwah xxxxxx
Becca Boo
oioi :P LOVE the kaftan at the thingy falls (where u were swimming) wheres it from? will pop down and buy 4 my hols. anyway missing you mucho (practising my spanish 2 chat up all the spanish guys on holidayyy :D) scenerys gorgey am SO jealous - thailand is the one place i want to go to lol like the outfits cute bag? primark? anyways reply love you mucho :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nana & Granddad
Fantastic pictures. Keep them coming. So pleased that you are having a wonderful time. How did you both get all those clothes in those little rucksacks. You must have paid excess baggage. Didn't notice the wrist and ankle bands - they are supposed to be worn not used as fly swats against the mossies!!!!
Carl Smallshaw
I can't believe that you are travelling the world yet so obsessed with a child wizard called Harry! I've read the book and you have missed nothing, I wouldn't normally spoil it for anyone but just so you can save time, effort and money I just have to tell you that................The Butler did it!