Sorry about the lack of blog action!! It is so difficult to get on the net for long enough to update it and answer all of the e-mails that you send us all!!! We do try HONEST!!
We have done A LOT since we last got a chance to update you all, and I know you have all been patiently waiting for our travelling antics for far too long, so here goes, we will put you out of your misery now!!
Ok from Siagon we moved on into Cambodia, we both liked Cambodia a lot, mainly due to the cute children there I have to say! We went to Phenom Phen, where we went to visit an orphanage!! Which was so much fun and the kids were great!! Most of them had parents, but they work so much or are unable to look after them that the children go to the orphanage for support. We had a great time playing games with the kids and they all danced for us and they were amazing!! I only dream of having such moves!!
For the other day in Phenom Phen we went to the killing fields and the genocide museum. It was one of the best and most moving places we have been. The museum was really grafic and so so upsetting, but the killing fields although again so upsetting were really serene, and i am so glad we got the chance to go and see it ourselves, it is almost undescribable.
Next on the itinerary was Siem Reap for a short visit. We went out on a boat trip to see a floating village... a whole village ... floating ... crazy!!! A basketball court, a church and a floating pig-pen among the craziest! Siem Reap is also home to Angkor Wat and a whole load of other random temples. There are hundreds. You need a speciall pass to be able to visit them all. We went to Angkor Wat, which is probably the most famous, we got there at 5.30 AM!!! To watch the sunrise, which we are told is spectacular, but unfortunately, it was rather cloudy on the day that we went, and so we sat and watched it get gradually lighter ... wonderful, I was glad I got out of bed at 4.45 AM for that!!! But never the less, we managed to beat a lot of the crowds (and the heat) and had our tour around Angkor Wat starting at 6am, and were done for breakfast by 8.00. However this was just the start of our day of Temple touring! Next on the list was the Pink Temple, aptly named as it was PINK stone! The detail in the carvings on this temple were so impressive. It was hard to believe that they were carvings into stone! Then, last but certainly not least was the Tomb Raider Temple!! That was awesome! The temple ruins had huge trees growing out of them and the roots had grown over the top of the temple walls! This was my favourite temple, apart from the whole of Japan that seemed to be there and insisted on making things difficult by going the opposite way around to the marked route (and everyone else!) I dont think that there was actually anyone left in Japan that day, they were ALL there in the Tomb Raider Temple, I'm certain of it!
Then we had the VILE journey back to Bangkok...AKA-the dancing road!! Sounds fun eh!!! It is the worst road ever!! (honestly Nana its worse than the ones leading up to yours!!) Pot holes everywhere!! And if your lucky like us and your sitting on the back of the bus and you go over one opf the bigger potholes you get thrown up and can get some serious airtime!!
On the boarder on the way back into Thailand is where i think my purse got taken :( But we are managing without, although the loss of/brokeness of purses so far has meant I have bought 5, yes FIVE purses since I have been away!! (Nearly matches Naomi's Sunglasses and flip flop count! But thats another story!) But seeing as most of them have been cheaper than a pack of chewies at home its not been too much of an investment!! Back in Bangkok we had one night in the hotel we went in at the beginning of the trip, that felt strangly like home!!
Then after we said our goodbyes to everyone we had been travelling with, we moved on out to Kho San Road to a cheaper hotel (we had to start paying for accomodation then!!) In Ko San we got head to toe beauty treatments to wash off the GRIME of traveling!!! WE REALLY NEEDED IT!! It was brilliant it was so cheap and we were pampered for about six hours with facials, body scrubs, massages and manicures and pedicures!!
We flew out of Bangkok airport down to Suret Thani and had a boat and bus journey down to Kho Phangan. However, by the time that we got there, it was 9.30 at night, and very dark. We managed to share a taxi to the islands' main resort Haad Rin with some other girls that were on the ferry, so that saved us some money, but when we told the taxi driver where we wanted to go (the place that we had picked out of the lonely planet guide book because it was out of the town and so safer and quieter around the full moon period) he laughed and said that he could drop us off at the bottom of the hill, but the road was too bad for him to be able to get his taxi up there to take us the whole way, but he assured us that it was only 400 metres or so up the road, so we decided to go for it. May as well get it over an done with was what we thought. So the driver dropped us off and pointed up the hill and off we went. After about 20 metres, the street lights stopped, and so we were nevigating our way up what the lonely planet guide book called 'a 10 minute light walk out of town' in the DARK, except for the occasional spot of moon light that managed to get through the trees. Well, I intend to write to the lonely planet book people when I get home to get them to change their description of 'a light 10 minute walk' this was more like a trek!! And was made more difficult by the DARK, the huge crevices in the road and our huge backpacks, as well as the small wheely holdalls we both bought in Bangkok to carry around all of the extra stuff that we have bought while we were here! Well the 10 minute walk turned into more like at least 30 minutes, and it turned out that the place we had chosen was the last one up the hill, right at the top before the road ends and it actually turns to rock climbing territory! We should really have guessed by the name of the place, 'top hill' was a bit of a give away really!
We spent the next week on the beach in the day, and on the beach partying at night! We met up with some of Sarah's friends from Xerox who were also out on Kho Phangan for the full moon. It was nice to have a big group of people to go out with at night. They were staying in the resort down the hill from ours too, so it also meant that we had some extra people to walk home with at night!
Kho Phangan is beautiful, the main resort of Haad Rin is nice, but fairly noisy (especially at night when the beach party goes on til 6am everynight!) but there were some fab restaurants with some of the best seafood that I have ever eaten! I've even eaten SHARK!
The Full Moon party (the reason we, and a few thousand other people are here) was fab!! Well I say was fab, (we're going to sound like losers now, but keep reading, there's a reasonable explaination!) Sarah and I were all tucked up in bed and sleeping by 12.30! Now, here's the excuse ... Everyone had said that the pre-full moon party the night before, is better than the actual full moon party, which we found that it was! We spent the night on the beach dancing the night away, and eventually arrived home at 7.30am! It was a truely fab night, there was so much going on, people dancing with fire and doing fire ticks, which were really impressive, people getting tattoos, both real and with uv reactive paint! don't worry, I think Sarah and I were some of the few sensible ones who stuck to the uv paint version! One random girl got the our friend Paul's name tattooed on her behind in a drunken moment of stupidness, just because she thought it would be a good idea! I think he was rather scared when she came back and showed us all! Eventually, we watched the sun rise and then headed home to bed. After only 2 hours sleep, Sarah and I were woken up by a huge thunder storm, so that put an end to recovering in the sun on the beach! We headed up to the communal area of our resort and taught the German lads from the bungalow next door, how to play various card games for the rest of the day! So then by the time it came to go out for the proper full moon party, Sarah and I were both so tired! We managed to force ourselves to get ready and head out, with the intention of finding all of our friends and seeing how we felt after a couple of drinks. When we got to the beach we found that it was SO busy, there must have been close to 10,000 people there, and more arriving all the time. We wandered up and down the beacha few times looking for everyone, but we couldn't find them, so we got a drink and something to eat (after realising that we hadn't eaten much that day!) and had a bit of a dance and then went home! At least we can say that we went and we saw it. It is deffinitely one of those things that has to be seen to be believed!
The next day we headed across on the ferry from Kho Phangan to Kho Tao and checked ourselves into a bungalow on the beach in the main resort of Sairee. Kho Tao is fabulous! The scenery and beaches are beautiful and much less spoilt than Kho Phangan. The sea is so clear and warm, Sarah spend most of our days here on the beach and in the sea, the fish that swim around the shore are amazing! The nightlife here is much more chilled than on Kho Phangan, theres still enough to keep us occupied, but in a much more relaxed way! A few bars with giant bean bags along the beach are where we usually end up after dinner!
Yesterday, Sarah and I hired a longboat with the guys from the Bungalow next door (english this time) and went off around the island with our guide. He took us to all of the best places to go snorkelling and pointed out some amazing things. Sarah and the guys even go to see a baby shark! But Sarah squealed and it disappeared before I could get over there to look! lol! She arruses me that it is just like the ones that I can see in the Blue Planet, but smaller. I wish that I had gone and got an underwater camera to take out with me, the fish were swimming so close to us that they touched us. It was amazing!
Then today, we've had a quiet one, after a rather late night out last night. We are off for dinner in a few minutes and then probably a bit of reading and an early night, I didnt get nearly enough sleep last night!
So, I think that has about brought you up to date with where we are and what we're doing! We hope that everyone at home is alright! We love getting all of your e-mails and hearing what you are all up to, so keep them coming!
Love to you all!
See you all soon, time is flying out here, we can't believe that we only have just over 4 week left!
Loads of love,
Naomi and Sarah xxxx
We have done A LOT since we last got a chance to update you all, and I know you have all been patiently waiting for our travelling antics for far too long, so here goes, we will put you out of your misery now!!
Ok from Siagon we moved on into Cambodia, we both liked Cambodia a lot, mainly due to the cute children there I have to say! We went to Phenom Phen, where we went to visit an orphanage!! Which was so much fun and the kids were great!! Most of them had parents, but they work so much or are unable to look after them that the children go to the orphanage for support. We had a great time playing games with the kids and they all danced for us and they were amazing!! I only dream of having such moves!!
For the other day in Phenom Phen we went to the killing fields and the genocide museum. It was one of the best and most moving places we have been. The museum was really grafic and so so upsetting, but the killing fields although again so upsetting were really serene, and i am so glad we got the chance to go and see it ourselves, it is almost undescribable.
Next on the itinerary was Siem Reap for a short visit. We went out on a boat trip to see a floating village... a whole village ... floating ... crazy!!! A basketball court, a church and a floating pig-pen among the craziest! Siem Reap is also home to Angkor Wat and a whole load of other random temples. There are hundreds. You need a speciall pass to be able to visit them all. We went to Angkor Wat, which is probably the most famous, we got there at 5.30 AM!!! To watch the sunrise, which we are told is spectacular, but unfortunately, it was rather cloudy on the day that we went, and so we sat and watched it get gradually lighter ... wonderful, I was glad I got out of bed at 4.45 AM for that!!! But never the less, we managed to beat a lot of the crowds (and the heat) and had our tour around Angkor Wat starting at 6am, and were done for breakfast by 8.00. However this was just the start of our day of Temple touring! Next on the list was the Pink Temple, aptly named as it was PINK stone! The detail in the carvings on this temple were so impressive. It was hard to believe that they were carvings into stone! Then, last but certainly not least was the Tomb Raider Temple!! That was awesome! The temple ruins had huge trees growing out of them and the roots had grown over the top of the temple walls! This was my favourite temple, apart from the whole of Japan that seemed to be there and insisted on making things difficult by going the opposite way around to the marked route (and everyone else!) I dont think that there was actually anyone left in Japan that day, they were ALL there in the Tomb Raider Temple, I'm certain of it!
Then we had the VILE journey back to Bangkok...AKA-the dancing road!! Sounds fun eh!!! It is the worst road ever!! (honestly Nana its worse than the ones leading up to yours!!) Pot holes everywhere!! And if your lucky like us and your sitting on the back of the bus and you go over one opf the bigger potholes you get thrown up and can get some serious airtime!!
On the boarder on the way back into Thailand is where i think my purse got taken :( But we are managing without, although the loss of/brokeness of purses so far has meant I have bought 5, yes FIVE purses since I have been away!! (Nearly matches Naomi's Sunglasses and flip flop count! But thats another story!) But seeing as most of them have been cheaper than a pack of chewies at home its not been too much of an investment!! Back in Bangkok we had one night in the hotel we went in at the beginning of the trip, that felt strangly like home!!
Then after we said our goodbyes to everyone we had been travelling with, we moved on out to Kho San Road to a cheaper hotel (we had to start paying for accomodation then!!) In Ko San we got head to toe beauty treatments to wash off the GRIME of traveling!!! WE REALLY NEEDED IT!! It was brilliant it was so cheap and we were pampered for about six hours with facials, body scrubs, massages and manicures and pedicures!!
We flew out of Bangkok airport down to Suret Thani and had a boat and bus journey down to Kho Phangan. However, by the time that we got there, it was 9.30 at night, and very dark. We managed to share a taxi to the islands' main resort Haad Rin with some other girls that were on the ferry, so that saved us some money, but when we told the taxi driver where we wanted to go (the place that we had picked out of the lonely planet guide book because it was out of the town and so safer and quieter around the full moon period) he laughed and said that he could drop us off at the bottom of the hill, but the road was too bad for him to be able to get his taxi up there to take us the whole way, but he assured us that it was only 400 metres or so up the road, so we decided to go for it. May as well get it over an done with was what we thought. So the driver dropped us off and pointed up the hill and off we went. After about 20 metres, the street lights stopped, and so we were nevigating our way up what the lonely planet guide book called 'a 10 minute light walk out of town' in the DARK, except for the occasional spot of moon light that managed to get through the trees. Well, I intend to write to the lonely planet book people when I get home to get them to change their description of 'a light 10 minute walk' this was more like a trek!! And was made more difficult by the DARK, the huge crevices in the road and our huge backpacks, as well as the small wheely holdalls we both bought in Bangkok to carry around all of the extra stuff that we have bought while we were here! Well the 10 minute walk turned into more like at least 30 minutes, and it turned out that the place we had chosen was the last one up the hill, right at the top before the road ends and it actually turns to rock climbing territory! We should really have guessed by the name of the place, 'top hill' was a bit of a give away really!
We spent the next week on the beach in the day, and on the beach partying at night! We met up with some of Sarah's friends from Xerox who were also out on Kho Phangan for the full moon. It was nice to have a big group of people to go out with at night. They were staying in the resort down the hill from ours too, so it also meant that we had some extra people to walk home with at night!
Kho Phangan is beautiful, the main resort of Haad Rin is nice, but fairly noisy (especially at night when the beach party goes on til 6am everynight!) but there were some fab restaurants with some of the best seafood that I have ever eaten! I've even eaten SHARK!
The Full Moon party (the reason we, and a few thousand other people are here) was fab!! Well I say was fab, (we're going to sound like losers now, but keep reading, there's a reasonable explaination!) Sarah and I were all tucked up in bed and sleeping by 12.30! Now, here's the excuse ... Everyone had said that the pre-full moon party the night before, is better than the actual full moon party, which we found that it was! We spent the night on the beach dancing the night away, and eventually arrived home at 7.30am! It was a truely fab night, there was so much going on, people dancing with fire and doing fire ticks, which were really impressive, people getting tattoos, both real and with uv reactive paint! don't worry, I think Sarah and I were some of the few sensible ones who stuck to the uv paint version! One random girl got the our friend Paul's name tattooed on her behind in a drunken moment of stupidness, just because she thought it would be a good idea! I think he was rather scared when she came back and showed us all! Eventually, we watched the sun rise and then headed home to bed. After only 2 hours sleep, Sarah and I were woken up by a huge thunder storm, so that put an end to recovering in the sun on the beach! We headed up to the communal area of our resort and taught the German lads from the bungalow next door, how to play various card games for the rest of the day! So then by the time it came to go out for the proper full moon party, Sarah and I were both so tired! We managed to force ourselves to get ready and head out, with the intention of finding all of our friends and seeing how we felt after a couple of drinks. When we got to the beach we found that it was SO busy, there must have been close to 10,000 people there, and more arriving all the time. We wandered up and down the beacha few times looking for everyone, but we couldn't find them, so we got a drink and something to eat (after realising that we hadn't eaten much that day!) and had a bit of a dance and then went home! At least we can say that we went and we saw it. It is deffinitely one of those things that has to be seen to be believed!
The next day we headed across on the ferry from Kho Phangan to Kho Tao and checked ourselves into a bungalow on the beach in the main resort of Sairee. Kho Tao is fabulous! The scenery and beaches are beautiful and much less spoilt than Kho Phangan. The sea is so clear and warm, Sarah spend most of our days here on the beach and in the sea, the fish that swim around the shore are amazing! The nightlife here is much more chilled than on Kho Phangan, theres still enough to keep us occupied, but in a much more relaxed way! A few bars with giant bean bags along the beach are where we usually end up after dinner!
Yesterday, Sarah and I hired a longboat with the guys from the Bungalow next door (english this time) and went off around the island with our guide. He took us to all of the best places to go snorkelling and pointed out some amazing things. Sarah and the guys even go to see a baby shark! But Sarah squealed and it disappeared before I could get over there to look! lol! She arruses me that it is just like the ones that I can see in the Blue Planet, but smaller. I wish that I had gone and got an underwater camera to take out with me, the fish were swimming so close to us that they touched us. It was amazing!
Then today, we've had a quiet one, after a rather late night out last night. We are off for dinner in a few minutes and then probably a bit of reading and an early night, I didnt get nearly enough sleep last night!
So, I think that has about brought you up to date with where we are and what we're doing! We hope that everyone at home is alright! We love getting all of your e-mails and hearing what you are all up to, so keep them coming!
Love to you all!
See you all soon, time is flying out here, we can't believe that we only have just over 4 week left!
Loads of love,
Naomi and Sarah xxxx
- comments