SYDNEY - the return
We arrive in Sydney on St Patrick's Day and meet up with our mates Leon and Tanya who have kindly sorted out our hostel for the night and more importantly, the apartment we are all going to share for our last 4 days in Sydney. It will come as no surprise when we tell you that we spend St Patrick's Day getting …
Welcome to our trip of a lifetime...
Most of you will know that our Round the World trip is split into two parts 'The European Leg' and 'The Long Haul'. We finished the European tour mid-October before flying off on for the Long Haul on October 25th.
The itinerary is: 4 weeks in India then on to Singapore for a few days - from there we plan to travel up through Malaysia to Thailand before exporing the delights of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Next stop will then be Australia…
Welcome to our trip of a lifetime...
Most of you will know that our Round the World trip is split into two parts 'The European Leg' and 'The Long Haul'. We finished the European tour mid-October before flying off on for the Long Haul on October 25th.
The itinerary is: 4 weeks in India then on to Singapore for a few days - from there we plan to travel up through Malaysia to Thailand before exporing the delights of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Next stop will then be Australia for around 6 weeks before moving on to New Zealand and treating ourselves to 3 Pacific Island stops. The last stop will be the US, flying into LA and home out of New York. We may even get chance to nip up to Canada, we shall see.
We hope to be home around the end of June (unless the money runs out before then) and look forward to boring you senseless with our travelling tales. Until then you can check out our travel journal, so enjoy... and remember to leave us a message!
Sarah and Markx
sean weston
Theres only one Denis Wise, one Denis Wiseee, theres only one Denis Wiseeee.
What a genius. Can he go and manage man utd next and take them down to the 'third' tier of english football.
Enjoy Port Vale next season sunshine.
Pete Drew
Don't you think you should be coming home now. Leeds United need all the support they can get!!I,m only jealous - have a good one.Pete xxx (thats for Sarah)
Sawad dii Mark! Sawadii Sarah, sabai dee rue? Phom chawp kun. Sabaay dee. Pai Nai? Mai Pai wan nii. ma wan bai rong paiapbahn. Gin khao liang? Hue mai? Gin ahaan phet mai dai. Mai chai. Be-ah!! Be-ah!!
(And if you CAN'T speak Thia by now my little Lotus Blossoms - you better come home and send me out!!)
love Steve/dad
Happy new year! Looks like a fantastic trip, with you and frank gallagher! wishing you all the best for what is already a great start to the year for you both, away from work and the uk! Don't hurry back as there is nothing to miss! and take in as much as possible.
Love and luck xx
p.s i hear that a load of bulgarians are moving into your house?
Sarah and Mark
Hey everyone
Just wanted to wish all our family and friends a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! We hope that 2007 is a fantastic year, bringing you only good things and filled with laughter and love. We are missing you all loads but it is brilliant to see your messages and hear your news in emails, cheers for keeping in touch and sorry we don't get time to reply individually that often.
The website is not up to date at the mo, as we are now in Vietnam but we'll post the stuff from here and Cambodia as soon as we can, too busy enjoying ourselves in gorgeous HoiAn at the moment.
Anyway it's New Year's Day and the hangover is kicking in so we better be off as it's time for a ''Beer Larou'' (we kid you not that's what the local beer is called, but you can't argue with 30p a glass can you?!)
Take care of yourselves and hope 2nd Jan and back to work is not too awful...
Sarah and Markxx
Steve Morrell
Hello Sarah & Mark, we were so pleased you could get through international holiday phone lines to chat with the family as a group here on Christmas morning opening presents. And such a good long call without being cut off - I was quite nervous, thinking you would be disconnected any minute! So wonderful!
And ... just got home late from Paul & Rachel's and seen your YOU TUBE video (one of my favourite sites) Haggis1421- Wow! Christmas tree, lovely apartment and tropical beach ... cheers ... excellent! A great surprise to see you lucky guys walking and talking in such a paradise setting. A UK Happy New Year!
love Steve/dad
Hey, where is everyone going? Just look at all the postings for the 22nd! Are they going to the 'pub of no return' or what? I think the 'CLOSED' sign is on every door.
Merry Christmas Mark & Sarah! We have got your emails and pleased you are feeling easier about 'things' back here at home. As for Mark finding on Christmas day, a 'turkey with all the trimmings' in Cambodia/Vietnam ... well if there is a roasted carcass in the centre of the table, I would demand a D & A test! As for Nut Roast Sarah? Sorry, a bowl of maggoty rice for you two beachbums! You can't have sunny, white sand, beaches with warm turquoise seas ... and eat a Christmas dinner with loads of alcofrolic stuff. That really would be having your cake and eating it ... You lucky kids.
luv Steve/Dad
Deborah, Paul & Lauren
Wow! I am so impressed Sarah - this website is brilliant. Must be down to Mark as you aren't technical enough!!!!! Lovely to see all your travels and see that you are looking good. Well you are Sarah - what has happened to Mark - he looks like a beach bum!!!!!
Hope you both have a fabulous Christmas and New Year. We are just getting ready for the festivities - last day at work yesterday and off until the new year.
Hope you continue to enjoy your travels. Keep safe & happy. Lots of love, DEB xxxxx
Well i must say it does'nt look that good to me. Like Ed I'am also sat at work and really looking forward to spending christmas with the mother-in-law back in Nottinghamshire followed by a week of DIY back at the house, followed by preparations for a baby, followed by a nervous breakdown....
Why on earth anyone would prefer to travel around SE Asia instead of what we've got planned for the next few months is well beyond me!
Have a great christmas and new year...And when you reach Laos have a few Beer Loas's for me...definatley the best beer in SE Asia.
take it easy
Hope you both enjoy your Christmas, it sounds like you are having a really nice time... Not at all jealous... It's last day at work before Christmas today so not much going on, so been catching up your photos. It all looks so nice. I like the progression of hair mark.. Starting to look like a proper traveller. Hope you both have a really nice Christmas and new year and look forward to you return (if you ever do) so I'll have someone to do my part 3 with.
All the best. Neil