Soooooo on the 5th Sarah and co got up disgustingly early and went to explore some more of beijing - me being sensible stayed in bed :) and so got more than the three hours or so everyone else got!
After this I watched some dvds and finally headed out for a massive last minute shopping spree :) :) On our last night we headed out to the kung fu show and then got a nice "family dinner" together before wasting the evening.
Yesterday morning one of our group left at 3am so we got up to say goodbye and then i left at 6am - niiiiiiiice! Headed to the airport for my 10 hour flight to germany - awesome flight, had 3 seats to myself, got three meals, had a nice sleep, happy days!
Then from germany to home had two seats and got a baguette - winner!
Am safely home now so all blogs from now on will be sarah i guess with info of Australia (will probably still keep coming up on my facebook page though!!!)
Jess xxxxxxxx
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