My journey started with a 12.5 hour flight. I managed to watch 4 films and an hour of tv, also got 1 hour of sleep. When i first got on the plane I was pretty hungry and thought I'd get served first cos I was right next to the food place. Unfortunately, they decided it would be fun to tease me by letting me smell it all but serve me last! Apart from that the flight wasn't too bad. Arrived at the airport very tired and kept drifting off to sleep on the first bus I had to get. Luckily I didn't miss my stop and I went straight to sleep afetr I got to my cousin's (Martin) flat.
Strangely woke up at 7.30 the next morning and was ready to go by 8.30, yes I know doesn't sound like me at all!I got showed round Sha Tin (area in Hong Kong where I was staying) by Pheobe (Martin and Amy's house helper). About 12 Martin and Amys neighbour, Jen, came to show me round Hong Kong. Went to ladies market and got a watch and necklace for about 3 pounds 50. We then went past the ski slope building and the posh hotel with 2 heli pads on the roof. Got on the ferry and went over to Hong Kong island and had an ice tea on the IFC shopping centre roof. Then got on a double decker tram and had a wonder around. On the way back to Sha Tin we stopped to buy a duck and found it really strange because they still leave the heads on things. Almost could have turned me into a veggie, almost! Then had dinner with Jen and her family.
2nd day wasn't quite as eventful- ended up sleeping until 2 then just went for a wonder around the shops in Sa Tin plaza.
Martin, Amy and the kids came back on the 3rd day so caught up with them-the kids are so cute! We had dinner in the flat and I finally learnt how to use chop sticks through the guidance of Martin and him not letting m,e use a knife and fork
4th day- Amy took me to see the big buddah on Latau Island. We took the cable car up and back down again even though it had only just reopened after closing because one of the cars fell off the cable. Martin reassured me that noone was inside and they were just doing tests with new management who unsurprisingly were not hired!The buddah was up lots of steps and I made Amy walk all the way to the top, think we were both shattered! Was a great view from the top and very pieceful. Bought my own little buddah for luck but will post it home and if required it can be used for the family for more luck at the bingo sesions! We went and had a vegetarian meal near the Po Lin Monastery-the monks dont eat meat so we didn't either- didn't have a choice anyway as the restaurant was vegetarian! Later on went to meet Martin in Tsim Sha Tsui. Had a wlk around and saw all the posh shops like Prada and Louis Vitton- didn't dare go in them though! Walked down the Avenue of stars, only knew about 3 people and Jackie Chan's hands were just a bit bigger than mine. Went to watch the symphony of lights (a light show on the buildings that is in time with music-very clever). Then went to the night market down temple street. I dragged Martin all the way down and I didn't buy a single thing! Was good to see though.Had something to eat and Martin got me to try a few little prawns and cutler fish (for thiose of you that don't know 'm not a fan of sea food and would normally politely refuse!). Tried some Chinese beer but a bud girl kept comng round and Martin gave in so we had a bottle of that as well-he didn't take much convincing though
Met up with Si (mate from uni) in Mong Kok. He took me for my first ever Japenese meal (there chop sticks are a lot easier to use). Cooked the meal in front of you and enjoyed it all apart from the soup-that was horrible! Went up to the 55th floor in the IFC, view from theor was amazing but sorry i forgot to take a photo. Had a wonder round Hong Kong park-was very pretty in there. Then had a cupa from one of the many starbucks in Hong Kong-they're everywhere! Then went to my 1st ever rugby match- Hong Kong V Chinese Taipei- Hong Kong won! Had a roast beef dinner with all the players, family and other rugby people and then went out for my 1st night out in Hong Kong. We went to Wan Cai and went in a sports bar called Skits. Good night and then had a comfy night sleep on Si's settee.
When the kids got back from school me Vistoria and Phillip took Ossie for a walk and then we got ready to go out for a meal. Jen joined us for the meal andwe went to an American place and I really enjoyed my burger!
Last day in Hong Kong and me and Amy went for a facial! Very relaxing! Met Amys mum for lunch and now back at the flat and not looking forward to my 11 hour flight tonight, could do with an extra few days just to sleep!
Thanks to everyone who showed me around Hong Kong but next time you really need to let me pay for things as well Had a really great time and thanks so much to Martin and Amy for letting me stay at their flat and to Victoria for letting me have her bed!
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