Whooops, majorly behind on blogging now aren't I?! Sorry! Im actually in Surfers Paradise at the moment so this is a bit backward but nevermind. I starte dthe Oz Experience bus last Friday morning to Spot X, a surf camp the bus takes you to for an overnight stop. I met some girls on the bus, Rachel, Alex, Reema and Yana to name a few. We played some drinking games at night (ill have to teach you girls, some of them are hilarious!) and then surfed in the morning. Got up at 6am to surf at 7am. I had a bit of a paddy with the wetsuit but i got over it evetually and joined them to attempt to surf. Basically, to sum it up, I was crap! But it was fun and its made me not hate the sea quite as much.
We left to Byron at around 11am. It was raining so we were a bit worried it was going to be a bit of a poor few days weather wise but it turned out to be absolutely beautiful after that. Byron is a gorgeous little town with amazing shops and lovely beach. I loved it there so much. We spent four nights there in an apartment. It was a bit pricy but it was nice to stay in a room with people we knew weren't going to steal anything. Whilst there we went to the beach everyday, saw sunrise at the lighthouse and shopped a little. We also went to Cheeky Monkey's bar and restaurant to dance on the tables. Fun, until some silly girl stumbles back into you! Then its just scary! Me, Rachel and a girl from Surf Camp, Paula, have now arranged our trip together so weve got the Whitsundays, Fraser Island, a boat to snorkel off in the Great Barrier reef, Cape Tribulation and our accomodation booked up now. Very exciting!
Anyway, ill update Surfers Paradise in a mo after ive got more credit on my internet time....
- comments
Clare Haha Sarah, you've discovered an Alex and a Rachel and a Stephanie I think it twas, would you hurry up already meeting a Clare!!!! :) ohh Byrone Bay see Chris never went there but he's always saying he wishes he had, I wanna go, I wanna go!! I will go, I will go actually ;) sounds like your having a blast my dear-I can't wait PLUS I've so much info to steal!! Ohh apartments sound gorgeous too, bet it's going fast isn't it, spoke to yr ma other day can't believe it's over 3 weeks. Keep in touch lovely moi xxxx