Laura and Joe arrive
Sarah had a rest and I walked the city to see what this place had to offer. The central square is interesting and there is so much history. You notice the bases of some buildings are Inca style, where I assume they were either so well built the Spanish either didn't want to or couldn't destroy them. I headed up any little street, cobbled and sealed, for cars or not (some crazies found a way to still get a car or bike up it. By the end I was even walking at the glacial speed the locals do. i looked around everywhere including San Blas, the lookout above San Blas I didn't know existed and generally around the cobble streets. There really was so much to see here. The other thing I noticed is that they are digging up every road they can to lay something. I have not seen a city with so many destroyed roads.
Later on, Laura and Joe arrive from Lima and when we got our first messages through they were sitting in the garden at Loki enjoying a well earned beer. We headed up for the long awaited catch up beers at the Loki bar where they were staying. Laura was looking great having lost weight since I'd seen her and I'd only met Joe once before and I wondered if I'd recognise him, luckily I did. The happy hour at Loki had great specials which occurred three times in the afternoon. Double beers (600ml x2 for $3-$4) or double rums or spirits (very strong for $3.5) which would be hard to laugh at. They also had an English special which Joe and I agreed to try, chips, cheese and gravy.
It was very interesting to hear what was happening at work and generally at home. We were tempted to stay with the specials and cheap food (they do have a full menu) but instead we left and went out for the local speciality of pisco sour's and dinner at a Australian run Asian restaurant with great reviews. It was nice food but the piscos were really strong, I had to finish everyone's in the end. We called it a night and I gave Laura a piggyback up part of a dirt road, not sure why but it seemed like a good idea back then.
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