To Patagonia
Urrrrr, wake up at 4am after a lovely night last night, not a happy start. Taxi running late but check-in was lovely and ignored each bag being overweight. The plane trip was interesting, a 747 where I think 40% of people knew each other. It was more like a bar, with people changing seats, standing in the aisle and chatting, possible the friendliest and loudest plane we have ever been on, from food service to landing.
In El Calafate we walked up the hill to a new hostel, I keu Ken, a homely feeling with amazing shared room hostel with a great view (and that's a huge sin to say it was only great). We sits on a couch facing the lake, facing the mountains and all of the harsh untamed Patagonia drinking tea and then wine, planning our trip and loving every second. Just simply relaxing in the moment and having fun. Sarah has said a few times this day was a highlight for her, and its hard to argue.
On top of this day, the hostel had an asado (famous Argentinean BBQ) tonight for 90 peso's, $18, including sides, beer and wine.
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