We get up for another simple breakfast where we get a cup and saucer, no plate, 1 knife and then some bread and jam. We take turns with the knife and use the saucer as a plate... Interesting place with holes in the walls in places, a hole in the bathroom with a hook to flush the toilet, and some holes with exposed wires.
We make it down to the 'estacion del micro' (micro is a intercity bus in argentina, just to show I have learnt some Spanish) and board the 10:00 to BA. We are staying in yet another bargain find, La Rocca Palermo VIP, 4 nights for US$73 each including breakfast.
Today is thursday before Good Friday And we are heading towards BA. There is a traffic jam for no reason on the open, double lane tollway going the other way. This lasted for around 30-40 minutes while we are traveling at 100km/hr going the other way so that's one I'm glad we were not in.
Bargain is what it was and sometimes you get what you pay for... This place is a dump, but quiet dump somehow. They are bending the rules and charging the unofficial exchange rate not the official. I would list the other problems for this place but there isn't enough space.
Caught up with Jenny from Carnival for A quiet beer and watch a bit of march madness (US college basketball) with the three American guys ( they sort of called themselves by their uses; mr maps, the translator and face)
29/3 More Big Macs in 24 hours than all my life!!
Watched tv, we should have done something today. That is all..,.,,
30/3 Morning!
We both woke up with a sore back... Should have got out of the room yesterday. We head to Recoletta, known for the famous dead people buried in the ground (or so we thought). The first priority is food. We head for a highly recommended amazing brunch at Sirop Folie, a three course brunch with wine included. We were so full by the end I'm almost falling asleep in the booth. We then roll out the door and head to the famous cemetery to see the tomb of Eva Peron and the amazing structures within the cemetery walls. It's a little weird as you can see all the coffins. Some buildings are poorly cared for and they have collapsed rooves and some you could touch the old boxes. It is odd, but really interesting to look around. We see an American couple that never says hi, but we have seen them on and off throughout Argentina. Its a funny time as we are continually stop to rest as all the blood is being used for digestion.
On the way home we head for the botanical gardens where we are locked out and walk the entire length... But there are people on the other side that look trapped so I feel better being locked out and not in.
Again I put Sarah in stitches (and it's happened a fair few times) as when I say the word wolf I pronounce it 'woof'. This leaves people wondering why the god of fertility is a dogs bark, or puzzled trying to find the book 'the woof of wall street'.
That night we head out to a highly recommended, and I would agree, tango club called La Catedral. You can join lessons here or sit back and have a wine watching people practice. Jenny at one point crosses her legs towards the dance floor to indicate she wants to tango and we watch her from a seat. We leave and go home around 4am as they are closing, but they are closing with everyone else starting their night heading to other actual clubs, crazy BA.
31/3 happy Easter!!
Up and awake in our sauna, feeling a little dusty we wait till 10 and head off to an english service sarah found. More of a sit and chat than a service and they are really nice people. We leave around 1pm and head back to sample an Easter egg. We spend the rest of the day relaxing and trying to plan the next steps. We are now booked the furthest ahead we have had planned, 4-5 days.
We spend the day relaxed. It's nice to stop especially after being on the phone for a few midnight hours to the family.
We choose some advacado and cheese spread for lunch because Tonight is the main event. The best steak restaurant in BA, la Cabrera, and it's 40% of everything between 7 and 8pm. Great steak (400g each) and lovely wine for $45, with a saving of $35.
As we are leaving and talking about the value we just recieved for an amazing steak (lomo, cooked blue as requested), we meet a son and mother from the USA. Funny and nice conversation with many recommendations heading both ways... All in all, a happy Easter.
Love you all!!!
1/4 Lets get the hell out of this dive!!
We are moving to the new hotel for 1 night, Nina Suites, medium price range, cheap on and a late checkout time. First steps in were amazing; nice lounges, lovely people, wifi and we could see the dining area which had breakfast out. Not just a biscuit and tea, yoghurt and cornflakes, fruit, bread.... Food. It is also so amazing having a nice bed and room, with a real bathroom and shower and not just a shared wet room.... Not sure why but they had removed the shower door or it broke and was never replaced. At least the water was contained from one side. So much better than before. A real highlight was heavy towels that I didn't rip with my hands when picking it up and drying myself; what a luxury!!
We left our bags and walked to the metro and to San telmo to meet Jenny and the German for walk around La Boca. 3 empanadas with the loudest music in our ears, colourful houses, colourful personalities and some souvenir shopping later La Boca was happily ticked off.
We all missed Asian food so we decided to meet at 9:30pm at Sudestada for Vietnamese and Thai. This was by far the most expensive meal thus far, but sumosas, red curry with extra chili for me and lettuce rolls (nan) and 2 shared mains for Sarah and Jenny made two very happy campers. Sarah was almost drinking the fish sauce she has missed it so much. There was so much heavy rain falling outside, we all decided on desert, cocktail or both (Jenny).
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