Life in Oz!
The city of Darwin is a great place. It looks like a large city but has a small town feel. The weather is wonderful, around 30C so I even got a tan again. Woo hoo The Darwin to Kakadu tour was good. The guide was a bit of a let down because he wasn't as good as the previous 2 but it was still nice. We did a lot more driving than I expected but the scenery was nice...what I saw of it when I wasn't sleeping anyway. Day 1 was spent in Litchfield National Park where we saw gianormous termite mound. Some of which were magnetic, the crazy termites are smart enough to be able to build there mounds facing north/south so they get heaps of sun on the east side of the mound in the mornings and on the west in the arvo. We the stoped twice to swim. The first was at Buley Rockhole and the second was Florence Falls. Both were very nice but the water was a bit chilly. The rock were very slippery to climb on but I did it anyway and hoped I didn't resprain my ankle, which is slowly getting better, still a bit sore though. It was then another long drive so we could go on a Mary River boat cruise. The river and surrounds are full of birds, salties and freshies (saltwater crocs and freshwater). The guide told us all about the birds and we played spot the croc, we probably saw around 20 of them. We then headed back to camp were I cooked some awesome sausages for tea.
Day 2 was a very early morning. We were up by 5 and on the road by 6 because Jim Jim Falls opened yesterday and the two guides (we are traveling with another group again) want to get an early start in case the roads are still bad. We got there just fine after fording a few rivers and putting the trucks into 4WD. The Falls were nice but since its the dry season there wasn't much water coming off them. We didn't get much done in the afternoon because we thought we had a fuel leak but it was just bubbling out the top. We got to hang around the pool while all of this was going on which was nice but annoying because I wanted to go to Ubirr for sunset. We made it there and on the hike up the rock we looked at some of the aboriginal rock art. The sunset was beautiful and we got a 360 view of Kakadu.
We got to sleep in for day 3 again and only left at 7. We stopped at Gunlom Falls to swim. We had to climb a rock hill to get to the rock pools on top of the falls. The pools were great and the view was wonderful as well. I made it back down without breaking my ankle, not quite sure how though. After lunch we headed to another smaller fall but none of us swam because we didnt have much time. We then headed back to Darwin with few stretch breaks in between. I check into my hostel and got a shuttle to the Mindil Beach Markets. I didnt have much time though because we got back late so I got there at 8 and it started to shut down at 9. I ran into Greg and all of his friends from the trip and a few other people from the trip so between talking to them and finding tea I didnt really get to see anything else. But thats ok, at least I got say I went and got to say good bye to Greg and everyone as well.
I spent Monday wondering around the mall area in Darwin and enjoying the wonderful weather. I went for my free dinner again at the hotel from the tour and Jamie (one of the Canadians) won a didjeridoo! It was great.
Yesterday I hung out with Jamie and Jocelyn for a while at the pool in their hostel and we ended up getting a free lunch randomly because the restaurant below the hostel was just opening. I wanted to see Mindil Beach so I said good bye to the girls and took the bus there. The beach was beautiful. The water was very shallow for a long way out so I sat on a sand bar and enjoyed the view.
I got picked up from my hostel at 5 for my 6:50 flight to Adalaide. The flight was quick...slept through most of it, I think it was about 3 1/2 hours though. So Im now in freezing Adalaide and Im heading out to enjoy the city.
Check out my photos, I added a few pictures of my travels so far! Don't forget to leave a message on my wall!!
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