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Matagalpa, Nicaragua

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Managua, Nicaragua

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Matagalpa, Nicaragua

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Matagalpa, Nicaragua

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Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Rebecca To think you can build a home in a day for $1000! WOW!! It would be rewarding to be able to do that for a family. Love to hear your updates and your pictures are beautiful. You and Lauren both look great and enjoying yourself! Love to you both. xoxoxoxo
Allie Callas, my favourite! I agree with you Rebecca, pretty unbelievable to think that you could provide an entire home for a family for what we consider to be a very small dollar amount. How can we help?
Kathy Hi Sara and Lauren from Mike and Kathy!! Sounds like you're all having quite an experience, one that will last a lifetime. Thanks for all the pics, it's great to see what you're seeing although rather sad in some circumstances . The people seem quite genuine and we're seeing lots of smiles in the photos...we know they all must love having you there...the tall blonde girls :) It's hard to believe you're already coming back this week...thanks for keeping us up to date, safe journey home!
Jenn loved reading all your updates Sara & Lauren - thanks for taking us "with you" on your trip! Ditto to Allie - miss ya, see you soon!
re: Matagalpa, NicaraguaAllie we are excited to have you home and hear all about everything in person. have a safe trip miss you lots and see you soon! xox
re: Matagalpa, NicaraguaKathy Hi Sara and Lauren from Mike and Kathy!! Sounds like you're all having quite an experience, one that will last a lifetime. Thanks for all the pics, it's great to see what you're seeing although rather sad in some circumstances . The people seem quite genuine and we're seeing lots of smiles in the photos...we know they all must love having you there...the tall blonde girls :) It's hard to believe you're already coming back this week...thanks for keeping us up to date, safe journey home!
re: Matagalpa, NicaraguaAllie Callas, my favourite! I agree with you Rebecca, pretty unbelievable to think that you could provide an entire home for a family for what we consider to be a very small dollar amount. How can we help?
re: Matagalpa, NicaraguaRebecca To think you can build a home in a day for $1000! WOW!! It would be rewarding to be able to do that for a family. Love to hear your updates and your pictures are beautiful. You and Lauren both look great and enjoying yourself! Love to you both. xoxoxoxo
re: Matagalpa, NicaraguaBeverly Hi guys, so good to hear from you and hear what you are doing!! Is that venus fly trap near end of that set of pictures? How was the pizza????? The coffee shop sounds great! Love you! Mom
re: Matagalpa, NicaraguaSara carruthers This flower is not a fruit but just an ornamental...very beautiful though!
re: photo from 21 August 2011Pam Tolmay Pam Hi Sara and Lauren, You are seeing and doing so much that is having a huge impact on you emotionally. When you get back you are going to need to talk about it all. I will be there to listen. It is hard to try and communicate such an intense experience. You will feel as though you want everyone to go and see for themselves so they can "really" understand. Remember that your love and your service on each of these days you have been there can't be duplicated by anyone else and that you are where God wants you to be. lots of love, Pam
re: MatagalpaRita Vella We check your blog everyday here in our little cubby and are overwhelmed at your stories. Definately makes you think about what you have and how appreciative you are to have good health. Continue to stay safe and have a safe return.
re: MatagalpaRebecca I look forward everyday to reading your blog and hearing updates from you and Lauren. So glad to hear that things are well and the difference you are making. This experience must be life changing for you both. Miss you lots and love you! xoxoxo
re: MatagalpaMom Hi kiddo. Is it ever good to hear from you!!! Your experiences seem rather overwhelming. I think it must have been hard not to have enough bags for everyone. What can you do??? Try to get some rest on your free day, okay? Miss you and always check for new info. Love you both Mom
re: MatagalpaRebecca Hi Lauren and Sara - I just read your blog and you sound so wonderful Lauren even though you have had a tough time leaving this little boy. I will pray for for all of the children! I am so proud of you Lauren and I thank God that you and Gracie are in my life. Love to you and your mom! xoxoxo
re: Madagalpa, NicaraguaGrandma HI Lauren, Yes, I guess people in London did feel the earthquake but we didn't here. Cameron and Ali were here for the day. In the picture the little fellow - name? - does look content. But what were the red dots??????? Yes, I'll be praying for you as you work/play with these children. It is surely quite an experience but I know the Lord will bless what you are doing. I am sure Grace is missing you too but she is fine. I am off to pilates now and tonight we are going to the Lake Erie Hotel for dinner with friends. Love you. I am always checking the blog for something new.
re: Madagalpa, Nicaragua- last visited

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