I learnt two things about myself yesterday.
Number 1: I'm rubbish at hiking Number 2: I am shockingly unfit :|
Soo, I decided to go volcano boarding. I failed to understand what "hiking a volcano" really meant. We got to the volcano Cerro Negro (the most acting volcano in Central America) and I looked up like woahhhh that's big. I got given my board - big blank of wood - and a bag full of overalls and started to climb this volcano. About 5 minutes in I was like ahhhh this is going to be hard. There was no path just big chunks of volcanic rock. When I say I about died on the way up I meant I about died. It was sooo hard!! Like, I was at the back back wheezing my way up wondering why the hell I thought I could climb a fricken volcano. After numerous stops and around 50 mins I got to the top. This was after a guy taking my board to carry including his girlfriends board and a nice California girl encouraging me to get up.
Thankfully the view was worth it! Absolutely amazing!!! I was really proud of myself for not collapsing down the volcano and completing my first (and last) hike YAY.
And then the fun began!!
We lined up at the lined had our safety talk. Basically your heel is your break and don't break to hard or you will flip over hahaa nice one.
I was about 4th down starting constantly breaking not really going very fast and decided to put my feet up and bomb the rest of the way down. Got a little scared when I was swaying and put the breaks on again and finished at the bottom. Such a wicked experience!
Today was a chill day. Went to a lake which is a volcano crater or something like that. I don't really understand. Had a go at kayaking - also very hard and spent the rest of the time jumping into the lake off a raft.
Very nice day.
Tomorrow - off to an island for a 2 day homestay!
(My photo isn't uploading so I will update when I get better wifi)
- comments
Aunty jue Ha ha ha That sounds amazing Good you carried on and did it Sounds amazing I am very jealous Keep safe and enjoy Wish I was there Love you xxxxx
Mum Hahaha one thing I have learnt about you is, that your having such a good time you have forgotten how to count to three haha 1-2-3 love you lots xxx p.s lots is more then 3 xxx big hugs xxx Love mum xxx