The last few days have been very eventful. It has been Thaipusum festival and I have witnessed some very intense celebrations. Thaipusum is celebrated by Tamils, South Indians and is a festival about good overcoming bad. The main day was the 24th Feb but celebrations started before that. Some people celebrating wall from Little Indian to a temple about 2 miles away and bring along with them a silver chariot. On the 23rd we went to one of the main streets and waited for the chariot to arrive. We got given free food and drinks from the many stalls and watched the dancing and local. Just before it came we joined in with smashing thousands of coconuts on the road to cleanse the path. It was so much fun - I put my sunglasses on though as coconuts were flying everywhere hahaa.
That evening at 11:30pm we headed out again to go and watch the people piercing themselves with rods and hooks. Apparently some do this as penance for their sins. Well we got there and were the only foreigners. I didn't fully consider what we were going to watch I was just excited Hahaa! There was chanting and drums playing and men were laying on the floor in front of pots of incense and offerings and having their bodies pierced with many hooks. Some had long ropes on the hooks which were tied around people's bodies. This caused resistance and you could see the hooks pulling the skin taunt!
Other were having rods pushed through their tongues, foreheads and cheeks while also being surrounded by chanters.
A young boy look like she was going to faint but they continued to push a rod through his cheeks, ewwww!
Another guy looked full on possessed :| he was praying on the floor and then started slamming his hands, screaming and acting like the devil was inside him. They grabbed him and put a lead around his neck and then started piercing his back with hooks while he smoked a cigar - probably opium. He looks psychotic, we defiantly left after that part.
The next day we went and watched them walking 3km to a temple in the hills. They all danced, sung and gave out free food and drink again. People with hooks dragged carriages with their bodies. Once they climbed the 513 steps they went into the temple and offered food for their deities. They pour milk on the statues and outside they than drank the milk. People at the base of the temple were having their heads shaved - men, woman and children.
Overall it was an incredible, eye opening experience. A little bit scary at times (not as scary as the psycho in my dorm but that's another story) but I am so luckily to have been able to witness what I did.
Now I'm off to the Cameron Highlands for some hiking :):)
Toodle loo.
- comments
Aunty jue Haha ha It sounds amazing Although I am not sure about the crazy body hooks whilst smoking !!!!!!!! Why were you the only tourists watching??? Was it not for lot ??? Or too scary Glad you didn't try to get any new piercings!!!!!! Keep safe More blogs and pictures please Love you Aunty jue