ola. Wow, so sorry to hear about Ingrid, I hope she is well. ja drinks can always be had some other place at some other time. I wish Ingrid and you the best. I'm sure we'll chat soon. Take care my friend. Keep in touch, let us know when you will be in London. We look forward to seeing you. Karl.
Elaine Sims
Hello ... brilliant diary ... there is no way you two are ever going to be happy back in a 9 - 5 lifestyle. Ingrid knock some sense into that bloke of yours and get all this writing (AND PHOTOS!)published. Just turned 46 and ... wait for it ..... got a nanno i-pod (or i-pod nanno) from the kids. I had a sinking feeling it was a new mobile phone as my brick is still working fine thanks. Have had lessons from Elv on it, and am going to put the wire up my sleeve, up my collar and into my ear under my hair during lessons just like the kids do!!! I'll get away with it as they will think it is a hearing aid! Glad you are both well. Simseys. xx
Thanks SO much for your blogs - it is quite refreshing to read all about your adventures and what you are experiencing when things get a bit stressful here (same old challenges!). Really looking forward to see you next week. Sam, X
Guys finally got online! Your blog to amazing for any more superlatatives- you have used them all anway. Sounds brill and looking forward to seeing you next week- the room is being prepared as we speak! Elaine- i got the car keys thanks stacks! You made my day (and removed from Wandsworth the money from numerous parking fines ). see you x
Lyn Sherman
Dear Beat and Ing,
I have been meaning to read the account of your travels since you left the U.K. and having only just done so (I'm old, grey and a pensioner, things take longer, what can I say!!) I feel awed both by your "story" and by the marvelous adventure you're having! Sands you know the Camino Way is something I would love to experience, so sharing it vicariously through your blog is second best. I truly hope the remainder of your travels are as magnificent as this so patently was. Keep having fun and keep the "report-backs" rolling in. Load of love from all the Shermies and me. Lyn
Julie Smith
Dear beat and Ing wow!! what an amazing journey you guys are having, i am so enjoying reading your updates!! You are truely gifted - to be able to write and describe what you are doing and seeing the way you have - wow, it feels like i've seen some of it too!!! A HUGE THANK YOU for my choccies- they arrived this morning and were totally unexpected and absolutely FABULOUS!!! What a wonderful suprise - You have made my week!! Thank you so much!! I will miss you both on that special day - it won't be the same celebrating without you!! I am so happy you are experiencing so many wonderful things together!! MISS YOU LOADS lots of love MEJULIE, Neal and the girls!!
Well done reaching the first aim. Enjoying following your diary. New Zealand and Spain were excellent, but not so adventurous as yours. Glad Shirley and John are able to follow your adventures - I've offered them IT support if they need it. Mary
Frewy And Lari
Hi I&S. Thanks for the blog updates. The journey sounds amazing so far and I like what you put in the latest one about the journey changing your perspective as time goed on. We don't realise how blinkered we get from the daily grind of working and commuting and working some more until we step outside of it. Makes me ponder about life in general....Missing you guys greatly but very happy that you're having a great time. Much love. Lari and Frewy xxx
Elaine Sims
Hello! Elaine here. Just received your first postcard. Glad you are having a great time. Just managed to find the blog (better late than never) and am going to read when no-one is in. Can you tell sarah we have posted spare puma keys to her. Must go, 2 minutes on a computer is quite enough for me. Kiss ...... Kiss ........!!
Hey guys, keep the blog updates coming, they're so great to read. Honestly Sandy, you could write professionally. Ingrid - missing you at work but I'm guessing that feeling isnt reciprocated! Still, if you want to keep your hand in, I'm happy to repay you all those fabulously interesting articles you used to circulate by posting some links on here.......
Looking forward to the next episode in your adventures. Rest those feet!
hey guys, its good to read about your adventure. it sounds like it a positive experience so far. may it stay that way. Sandy, you see any of those Templars, tell them i'm on my way. and guys, take care of those feet, the needle and thread works, and be careful of tying thise laces to tight.
Sarah Jepson
Hi guys! Wonderful to hear all about your adventures and can't believe you have been walking for so long now! My blister advise is get a piece of thread on a needle, thread it through and leave thread in so it drains- army trick so Sandy may already know! I share your pain though as a lifelone blister sufferer- and I have a bruised foot from wearing my flip flips in oz too much! Back from our fab holiday in oz and china and can't wait to tell you all in March sxx PS Does anyone have a spare set of Ingrid's car keys? they seem to have vanished in the post!