Hey everyone!
Well after Ottawa I took the train up to Montreal. I love the French I have decided :P The first afternoon I was there I took a walk around downtown. There are so many different churches and statues in amongst all the big buildings.
One of the churches was one of the best churches that I have ever seen!!!! Absolutely beautiful!
The second day I took a walk to the Parc du Mont Royal which is up at the top of the town on a hill at the edge of downtown. Kinda like Kings Park! There are many different paths up to the top...and I totally forgot that everything would be convered in I ended up taking the long route to the top :P An hours walk later and I was there! It was kinda cool though coz it was all snowy and through this woodland area. Once I got to the top you couldnt really see anything coz the weather was kinda bad but it was still fun. There is a lake at the top that is currently frozen so people were iceskating and kids were toboganning on the to watch!
The last day I was there I took a walk into Old Montreal which is a part of town down near the port. It reminded me of Fremantle in a way...just more French! Haha Again lots of cool buildings and stuff like that.
All the snow has half melted and then it turns to ice on the sidewalks so it is extremely slippery!! I managed to only fall over twice! Lol But thats all part of the fun! It's actually not as cold as I thought it was going to be. I wear many layers (as my photos show :P) and i actually started sweating the day that I went to the park from all the walking!!
Also I spent Christmas here...didnt really do anything that exciting but the hostel had a Christmas dinner for all of us which was nice! But I hope everyone had a great Christmas and enjoy the holidays!
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