Second guessing your trip to Rexburg, Idaho? Well, here are some helpful facts that should put your mind at ease:
Tourism Strengths: Idahoans are some of the nicest people you will meet! Areas like Yellowstone National Park and Craters of the Moon, are frequented by tourists and are safe and clean. There is an abundance of wildlife, beautiful scenery, and fresh air to keep you wow-ed!
Tourism Weaknesses: There is none, zip, zilch public transportation. You will need a car, truck, motorcycle, bike, get you pretty much anywhere. Not many places you can walk to, but once you get somewhere, you'll want to have some nice sturdy shoes to get around. It can get off-road real fast. I don't recommend heels unless you're going to a nice place to eat or church.
Opportunities for Improvement: I think that there could be better and more updated signage, especially in the popular destination areas. I also would like to see more rest stops on the way to further destinations. I love knowing what there is to see, so informational packets are always nice and a couple more wouldn't hurt to have in hotels and gas stations.
Threats: Honestly, Idaho and Wyoming are extremely safe states. The wildlife is more dangerous than the people (although I will warn you that they are both very conservative red states, so don't diss guns or bald eagles). There are bears, moose, elk, deer, rattlesnakes, raccoons, coyotes, wolves, foxes, geese, sheep, black widow spiders, badgers, brown recluse spiders, predatory birds, etc. It's not Australia, but I recommend researching any local animal you are unfamiliar with and always being very alert and attentive while driving. Most accidents involving animals are quite dangerous especially when it involves moose, elk, or deer, which can total a car on impact. Be extra careful while driving at dawn or dusk.
Overall, you will be pleasantly surprised at how welcoming the local people are, how breath-takingly raw each location is, and how beautiful and active the native wildlife are. I have enjoyed my time living in Rexburg, Idaho. I have been lucky enough to enjoy living in nature and breathing clean, crisp air while also being able to go to Walmart down the street and McDonald's when I'm in a rush and have the munchies. I can't help but want others to visit and experience all that this area has to offer. I could go on and on to try and convince you, but you won't be able to truly understand until you see Idaho for yourself. I know I've peaked your interest in some way, maybe it was Yellowstone with its geothermal wonders, or perhaps it was the mental picture you got while trying to imagine an arch made entirely of elk antlers in Jackson Hole, or possibly, it was the gigantic hamburger you can get at Big Jud's. Whatever it might have been that made you think that your next trip might be to Rexburg, Idaho, I hope it worked.
P.S. It was the hamburger, wasn't it?
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