We survived the salt flat tour! It was nice and warm for the first day and night (we stayed in a hostel made out of salt!!!), but the second night was freezing! Luckily we´ve managed to collect lots of layers on our travels! The flats were amazing-they streched out for miles and miles, and we also saw lots of lake, geysers and had a bath in the hot springs! We shared a jeep with 4 of the most inconsiderate people in the world (Im really not exaggerating), but it was still an awesome trip!
From the salt tour we got a transfer to San Pedro De Atacama and from there a 24 hour bus to Santiago. Chile seems very nice so far-a lot cleaner and a lot more westernised than some of the other places weve visited. The hostel were staying in is an old converted mansion and its very nice! They have BBQs every Thursday so were planning to go tonighyt, and maybe try and sqeeze in a bit of skiing tomorrow before we fly to NZ on the 28th.
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