Trains, Planes, Shuttles, Trams and Walking
Venice to Milan to Amsterdam
Today is a transition day. Walked to the Train station in Venice at 7 am and caught a train to Milan. Caught a Shuttle to the airport. Caught a flight to Amsterdam on easyjet. This was totally new to me. You line up at the gate and get to pick whatever seat you want on the plane based on where you were in line. Everyone is on, and ready to fly out within 20 minutes. Took a train from the Amsterdam airport to the central station and caught a Tram to the Hostel area where I walked that last bit to Flying Pig Uptown Hostel. I checked in and dropped my gear to go a couple blocks to the Van Gogh Museum. It was a smaller museum (only 4 floors) with a big open section in the middle where they served food, drinks and had a DJ playing music. It was interesting to follow his progression as an artist, learn about his life and see his paintings side-by-side with some of the artists he modeled after. I really likes "Branches with almond Blossom" and his self portrait. Neat museum and not very expensive, overwhelming or far. I walked around the area and got some groceries (always interesting to compare with the US) and headed back to the hostel for a yummy salad, bottle of wine and relax time. The hostel has really comfy beds and nice linen, an eating area, a bar, a "common" room where people smoke and a kitchen. The showers are long and hot and I like all the info and help they can give you on sight seeing and tours.
Tomorrow Plans: Laundry, Maybe a massage? Relax and re-group.
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