I had to pay my dorm fees this week (around $2,000 for the semester since I'm living in a baller hotel-esque looking single suite!) so I went to withdraw my money from the bank. Since the highest currency note in South Korea is 10,000KRW which equals to about $10, the clerk hands me 2,200,000KRW (see above picture) all in the form of 10,000KRW bills! That's TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO bills. I just laughed out loud as he attempted to hand it to me because everybody in the bank can see me receiving this hugeee stack, real safe, right? So the clerk laughed a little embarassed and ran back to get me a little baggy to put it in. Upon leaving the bank, I ran into another exchange student who tells me that we have to pay our dorm fees to the bank so it was completely useless of me to withdraw the money as I will have to deposit it right back into my account. -_- I'm so dumb.
This week was my first official week of classes since last week was "shopping" week, where you can sit in on different classes to pick which ones you want to take. I'm only taking two business classes, one general education course, and Beginner's Korean. It looks like I'm going to have a pretttyyy easy semester & I'm pumped!
Almost everyday is an event here as we have to leave our dormitory to find dinner. A few times a week, we drop by Yomojomo to have snacks and soju. The owner knows us by face and he even knows to bring me a GIANT bowl of snacks (as opposed to the usual small bowls) because I down them pretty fast. I usually call him "oppa" which means "older brother" but as of late, I've decided "oppie" is more personal, haha~ he gets a kick out of it. I'm pretty sure he enjoys our visits because he tends to give us service. "Service" (free snacks or drinks) is common in Korea because the stores like to keep good customer relationships. But, I like to think that he just really likes us!
I can read and write some Korean now! And I've added "up-say-yo" (no more), and "cum-ja ju-say-oh" (please give me potato--actually used this on Oppa and he gave me fries!), & "nam-da-chingu-ju-say-oh" (please give me a boyfriend) to my useful vocabulary list! I definitely know the most RANDOM phrases and words yet, you would NEVER imagine how handy they have become! Actually, almost all the international students here know how to say "I'm hungry" & "do you want to die" because of me!! You should be proud!
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