Hugh, Anne and Hector's Sailing Adventures
This is the Captain speaking 3rd August 2005
This has just been the Blackest week of the year!. We have had Bill, Agnes, Charlotte , Anne and Colin on board , all part of the Black tribe. Amazingly it all went well. I say amazing because Agnes had never been on board a boat before, does not swim and is nervous about water. But there she was, assisted by Stugeron, ferrying essential cups of tea from the galley to the cockpit and generally being a very handy sailor. Bill struck a fine figure of sartorial elegance in his bush hat and khaki shorts and could start a whole new trend in sailing wear. Talking of which Charlotte had more clothes with her than everybody else put together and some of the outfits you don't see around the local sailing club either! Colin put a determined effort into fishing but in spite many anglers bites from the "big ones" he just caught a couple of tiddlers. Anyway they all did well as we spoofed around the South coast of Majorca.
For future reference there is a really nice anchorage at Puerto de Campos with a couple of islands in the bay, crystal clear water and uncrowded sandy beaches.
Last night we spent a quiet night in Arenal Marina at the usual eye watering prices and took the bus into Palma for a farewell meal. After ambling along at 6knots in the boat, the manic bus ride to Palma was an exciting experience.
As I write we are for reasons of economy, anchored outside the marina in 20knts of wind and a 5foot swell. My sailing chums may think that 30m of anchor chain is excessive in 5m depth but I'm just thinking of letting out a bit more chain in this swell. Maybe the Marina prices aren't so bad after all.
We now have a week to ourselves before Brian Cavenett comes out for a fortnight so we will do a little light dusting and cruise around.
I just saw from the paper today that writing up this sortof journal is officially called Blogging so for the moment I'll just blog off.
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