....At the very end
As you can see from this entry's exotic location, I'm back home proper now; will be hanging out in West Yorks for the next few weeks whilst attempting to return to some semblance of a normal life. And then, hopefully, back to London in the not too distant future to re-join the people in suits.
So, rather sadly I'm sur…
The adventure is over! The bag is unpacked; the celebratory homecoming curry has been ordered and digested; the insurance form is winging its way to the underwriters and the tan is already losing its wow factor. So if you are still reading this then you are an ever better friend than I give you credit for; bless you for checking up my very final blog entries and pics and joining me in finding some kind of closure on the last six and a half month of solo round-the-world travel....
....At the very end
As you can see from this entry's exotic location, I'm back home proper now; will be hanging out in West Yorks for the next few weeks whilst attempting to return to some sem…
...Back home
So I'm here then. Back in Blighty and hanging out in London attempting to reaclimatise for a few days until the big family reunion up north. Thought I'd use a suitably ePolitix st…
......Bringing it home in fine style
Blimey, this is really nearly it.... Is so strange to think that in a matter of hours I`ll be back in Blighty jumping on the tube, grabbing a copy of the G…
Stalled in Rio....
There are worse places to be stuck waiting for a plane home I suppose... Am back in lovely, sunny Rio now after sitting it out for a week in the lovely but mostly grey Parat…
Hey Sal!
I was SO glad to get your email the other day, but I wanted to check out your blog before I wrote back...I loved the pics of the beach in Ipaenema (sp?) and the weather in Brazil looks divine as you said it was. The pics of the south island made me soo nostalgic! Like yourself I am in a very exotic location, it's called Oakville Ontario...booo...wishing for those travelling days back! Expect an email soon! xoxox Jacx
isn't it just how it looked in the morning eh? Cold and crisp....maybe a bit warmer than the temp. inside the barn though wouldn't you say? what a good pic though, love the lone horsey
god im depressed after that last blog entry and chances of me getting to pub to drown my sorrows are about the same as englands chances of winning the rugby world cup again!
David and Judith (NZ)
Hi Sally,
Have been following your progress with great interest,have a safe return to UK. All well here
Luv from all including Sasha
Hey Sal!!
You are doing such a good job of making us incredibly jealous with all your news and pics! Glad to see Jen too. Keep on having a fab time and take care, lol El and Jay xxxx
aww, Sals.. after addressing someone as 'dude' on the telephone this morning at this 'world class executive serach firm', laughing as hard as i did for the past 10 minutes takes UNPROFESSIONAL to a whole new level! Only managed to get through S Island picys so far but making ground.. Glad to hear you're still alive lovey. Will get reading and be in touch v soon. Astalavista baby xx
do they have morrisons in london?
no baby yet sal 1 week to go - hopefully
i know i havnt emailed for ages but rest assured i am fully enjoying blogs and will try to get on computer before 11pm to email some day. this is not due to argentine life style just housewife life style xxxxxx
Hi sal check out my new e-mail address hope you have arrived safely in Wakatani give regards to David and family just carry on enjoying yourself and forget about UK it will still be here when you return great pics keep them coming xxx dad and Jan
nicki hall
Go dude! Just had a good catch up on your last few blog posting and a good gander at all the piccies. Loving all the photos and glad to see more with you in, your tan is coming along a treat and no "bad brown" in sight. lol Nicki xxx
El Priestley
Hey Sal!
The pictures are fab and bring back happy memories! Have got some very similar pictures!
Take care and keep the pics coming!!
Lots of love El and Jay xxx
Hannah W
Hi Sal,
It's good to read about all your adventures. Ciara finally sent me the blog details. Pictures are great too.
Keep on having a fab time love Hannah
Hey dude.
It's election night here - bet you're gutted you're missing it! No big shift at e-politix for you tonight ;-)
Enjoying your blog.
Will email you properly soon and let you know what's been going on.
Liam x
Jackie wicked view...gorgeous!
re: Photo stop on my epic island hikeJackie isn't it just how it looked in the morning eh? Cold and crisp....maybe a bit warmer than the temp. inside the barn though wouldn't you say? what a good pic though, love the lone horsey
re: Our Barn's back garden