Hi everyone again
Just about to go out for our final evening, a BBQ in Maple Bay at one of the billeters houses. We have just got back froma day spent Sea Kayaking followed by pitch and putt in Ladysmith, so everyone is a little jaded. Obviously going out and knocking back more beer is the only remedy.
I think I can speak for everyone in that we have had a brilliant tour and the guys have really bonded together well. There was the potential , as in all tours for disaster, but everything went swimmingly and with the immense help of Barclay ' you know what I mean ' Logan who drove us around in the yellow monster from one end of the island to the other we managed to get the lads to try whale watching, zip lining, Canadian Football, Sea Kayaking, and a pitch and putt frenzy to finish. Not forgetting a little rugby thrown in as well .
None of this would have been possible without the coaches and parents who fund raised and organised before and during the trip, so many thanks to everyone. i would like, in particular to thank Lloydy, who has given up his 2 weeks in between jobs to come on the tour and to run the coaching and training and has been inspirational to the team. Perhaps , more deserving of our thanks is Irene, who allowed him to come along in the first place.
Lastly though, I must thank the person/legend in his own lunchtime, who has been the driving force behind the whole event. Without Tonger's determination to try a variety of Canadian beers we wouldn't be here and during the highs and lows of getting this tour together he has been the mainstay and I hope that all the guys will remember who made this tour possible for them and in years to come they find time to buy the odd pint for the old soak sitting in the corner of the SRFC bar and listen to his stories. and bad jokes.
Thanks very much Tonger.
Dave Guild
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