It isn't clear to me that ROI has been an important cotiideranson in marketing in general. If it was, most of the traditional marketing that utilized by Banks would have ceased a long time ago. The ROI simply does not exist for traditional marketing channels such as newspaper ads, direct mail, Free checking accounts', as well as new gimmicks such as Win an iPad to Like Us on Facebook'. Not only that, very few Banks (and certainly a very small minority of Community Banks and Credit Unions) accurately measures the R' and the I' in the ROI. R' of course is the profit (eg. revenues associated with the initiative less ALL direct and indirect expenses) and the I' is the required Investment (eg. all of the one-time and continuing costs required to support the program).But perhaps more importantly, most marketers understand that social media is about Engagement, yet most (and certainly most Banking marketers) do not seem to grasp the fact that Engagement can only be achieved through insightful and meaningful CONTENT! Many in the banking world appear to think that their customers will Engage with them just because they have a fancy (or not so fancy) Facebook page or a Twitter handle. So far, most social media initiatives in the Banking world are proving that a no content' or meaningless content' strategy yields few results regardless of the count of likes, friends and followers.Engaging (current & prospective) customers is hard work and it is not inexpensive. Yet, the opportunities are immense and the ROI is there for those who pursue the opportunities leveraging tools and capabilities available to them.
I'm back? work by m? re f? Five children. I have a buinsess in the area of f? Pi? A little more than twenty years, and Ren? T? Member r? rule of the BBB as they make T? Convenient? S Supp? Comments found? S. They? Also? T? d? cern? s Hall of Fame Award BBB? the end of 2005. I needed something that was flexible enough to have a good income potential and c ? Silent r? Al. I found? all with this society? t?. You can k? Doing? Ranging from a few hundred thousand a month by month, depending on your own goals. If you m? Want to know more about you? BerPR? K Fen? Can my website and click on More.
Every year I buy a new Passover cookbook to add vairety to the Seders. This is the Best One Yet! The commentaries are delightful to read and the recipes I am cooking today smell wonderful. Because you know who submitted each recipe, there is a sense of family unlike most cookbooks.I can't wait to serve my family! This has become my favorite Passover collection!
Really enjoyed your post on Vietnam. Reinforces my desire to go there.
Alan D
Afternoon Sara
Glad to see you are up and about again. Enjoyed the photographs. Really liked the look of Japan. Good to see you enjoying different cultures, which is what it's all about really. I am doing the same thing right here in Brightlingsea! Turkish Kebab one night English Fish & Chips another and a lovely Chinese to round them off... Looking forward to hearing about your exploits. The girls say carry on enjoying yourself.
Hi Sara, sorry to hear that you have been so ill, please try your best to get better soon, hope you didnt get ill from eating dog!!!! Hope to hear from you soon, take care Phyllis xxxx
I am online at last!!!!!! OMG if it is possible to have buddy sickness I have it, it's like lovesickness but with buddys and not lovers, lmao!!! I'm saving for OZ already, have about half my flight I think. I love reading you blog, your adventures look like so much fun!!! I hope you can guess how much I miss you, not having you at home when I get back from work is too wierd. I'm going to enlarge a photo and sit and moan to it, do you think that will work!!! Love ya hun, see you soon. Hugs and stuff xxxxx
Jackie Marquis
Hi Sara,
Really enjoying your blogs, it's great to hear all about your adventures!!!I wish I was as brave as you!
Keep having a brilliant time, take care! X
Marie Chalkley
I want to go. Looks amazing! Glad you got some pics on here.
Continue to have the best time hun. I'll await the next blog.
Kathy (Maries Mum)
Hello Sara
I just wanted to say well done and how impressed I was that you remembered to keep us mothers up to date with all your travels and adventures. Its really interesting to read it all, you will definately be able to write a journal of some sort when you return! The photos are brilliant, by the way.
Keep up the good work, continue to enjoy yourself and keep in touch, you know we worry!!!!!
Kathy XX
Just had a look at all your photos. there's amazing buildings etc. I must confess though, that the food did not look at all appealing (coming from someone who is fussy!) - it's wonderful you're so brave - you could be eating anything! i'm too squeamish. what would i live on if i ever went to japan!!!!!
can't wait for the next update. i'd love to see what you say about the sumo!
Sonia xx
Hi Sara,
loving all your stories and photos. Looks amazing! Keep enjoying yourself, take care X