Hello from California, USA ~
I returned home to a stack of papers and a loan repayment booklet. It was a welcome back…now go get a job.I now have to start the process of registering fingerprints, paper work and oh yeah, pay a butt load of money to apply for licensure…which means I better start studying for those board exams.
What a crazy adventure I have just been on. I am not sure I have fully processed everything we experienced abroad. I have updated all the photo albums including the Dubrovnik album which has been reloaded and pictures from Amsterdam and London have been uploaded. The only photos not posted are those from Katie, Haley and Sean. I hope you all enjoyed taking the trip across the world with us via the internet. I have appreciated everyone's emails and message board posts. I do hope that everyone gets to go on some kind of world travels at least once in their life. Although I am exhausted, I know I will journey to other areas in the future, but what a great start to being a world traveler.
Na shledanou, Egeszsegedre, Szia, Zivjo, Dag from all of the countries -Hugs and Kisses to you all,
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