Sounds like your having a good time, and what the hell is goon? is it some euthamism for weed or something? I doubt you'd be putting it on your blog if it was i suppose!
can you caption your photos aswell I have no idea what they are all of!
good to hear from you
see you in July
Hey your hair lokking kooler than ever!!!!! it sounds like you are having a gr8 time. we are trying to see your sky diving video but we are having trouble. we have just got back from spain it was fab you would have loved it. lauren wanted to go on the condor twice. you know the really tall thing that drops you really fast!!!!!!!!!???
Gemma Sparkes (Sparky)
Hi Ryan (an the other gus, who I have not met!)
Spot on blog, its like we are on the trip with you & ya pics are fantastic!
Singapore is the quality & you boys seem to have made the most of it!
Enjoy the Whitsundays saling (We loved it, so sure you will)
We look forward to your next blog, in the mean time keep having a ball!
Oh my god, get your hair cut !!! Great blog again Ryan, for some reason this didn't come through to our email address this time, can you check we are still on your list ? Lauren had an email to her MSN address though. Sounds amazing, KL looks great, great to see pictures of Singapore, there does seem to be a recurring theme on your blog that seems to involve much alcohol ! I'm so glad you survived the skydiving I was worried. Can't wait to see the video, I thought I was being brave at the theme park ! There's no way I would sky dive. Speak to you soon on Skype, take care lots of love Mum xxx
Lauren (Ur Sis Incase U Forgot)
it looks like your having a great time Im sure ull be disappointed to come back here but we are all missing you:s I heard from mum your getting a tattoo, it doesnt hurt as much as it looks but please dont get anything weird and please dont get anything on your neck or your back. Im sure you wont but just incase. Please please get ur haircut you look like a caveman!!! Tell Pat I think his swimming trunks are very in fashion. Your blogs and photos are great I love the "hows work?" photo. Happy easter by the way. We are looking forward to having you back!!!Miss youxxx
Lots of Love
Hi Ryan, thanks for the great blog it must have taken you ages to write it but we appreciate it, I love the pictures of the rainforest and the tribe. Have just re-read your Vietnam blog as Lauren pointed out some extra updates on there I had missed, it just reminds me that you guys have done so much in six weeks ! Easter Sunday here, don't worry your egg is in the post ! We're all missing you here, have fun for us, love Mum
Sparky (Gemma Sparkes)
Hi Ryan,
It looks like you and the boys are haveing a total blast, good on ya! I especially like the 'Hows Work' photo. Thats a class act!
We have just got back form our Oz trip 2 days ago so are still trying to get back in to life on the rock.
We have had heaps of great feed back from friends & family about our website. Thanks for letting us know about it.
I will keep checking your web page for updates, and if you guys ever need any help or info when you get to Oz feel free to e-mail me.
Keep having fun :-)
hey Ryan!! Hey i am missen u all the time. I luv ur blog i am always on it at skool on fridays. When Mr Wade isn't lookin hehe. Sounds like ur having a ball. Miss you loads Faye ,Erin and Sophie from France say have fun, get drunk but be careful. Everyone misses you loads.
Luv Georgia xxxxxxxx Thinken of you!!!
hey babe!!!! hope your havin a gd time in your little secluded island ur in atm, bet your findin it weird wit no internet access (well least thats what i gather from readin the boys blogs) well hope to speak to you real soon cuz im missin ur emails an you of course!!
Love u love me!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nan And Grandad
Hi Ryan, Glad to see from your blog that you and your team are having such a great time and the photo's are showing us places we have never seen before.The rock climbing was excellent,we would have loved to have had a go at that but climbing out of bed in the morning is about all we can manage now!Keep up the photographic work.we are looking forward to your next blog,Nan and Grandad.
Hi Ryan, photos are great, look forward to the next ones, hope you enjoy Koh Lanta, it looks amazing. Thanks for the birthday call and the card via the girls ! You'll be glad to hear force 10 gales and flooding here ! The strange smiley face is me proof reading the website ready to go online ! Speak soon, love Mum
Hi Ryan, thanks for the blog, great pictures, missing Krabi already ! Thanks for the MD skype call it was great to see/talk to you. We are all missing you except for the fact there is a lot less washing to do ! Send our love to P & P as well, speak soon, love Mum