I hope you had a good day if you can remember it, and you've got a hangover to justify the drinking!
I'm back on the rock now for a week, its a shame you're not here, I hope New Zealands cool, ill try and catch you on MSN soon and we'll catch up.
See ya later
Hi Ryan, Happy Birthday, hope you like your gorillagram, hope to hear from you over the weekend, lots of love MUMxxx
Hey Ryan just wishing you a v happy Birthday, it is going to be wierd without you here. It is going to be wierd with Sam here and your not but i can't wait to you get back miss you loads!!!! It smees like you have been away years but i am counting done the days till you get Home!
All My Love Georgia (Your Best Sis) (HeHe)
Nan And Grandad.s
Hi Ryan,Wishing you a happy birthday on the 13th.Try not to drink New Zealand dry!!!Nan and Grandad.S
Nan And Grandad.s
Hi Ryan,Wishing
Watcher boys!Wicked blogs as always. Can't believe you were 16 days without the goon! Time to make up for it now!?It seems like you made the most of your time in Oz. New Zealand looks / sounds amazing! I look forward to seeing your photo album from there. Have a ball on the slopes! Are you guys taking bets on who will break a bone first? (Hopefully, none of ya!)Keep on having a blast, look forward to you next blog & PicsHow long do you have left on your trip now? Sparky :-)
Hi Son
Love the pictures, some great views, it looks like you have all lost some of your earlier fat you put on from all the drinking, I am very jealous about your hair although it looks like a bunch of pubes.
You all look as if you have changed in your faces, I dont know what it is but its noticeable, you look like your auntie Karen !!!
Things are fine here, the summers here at last so the barbi is in constant use.
See you soon
Love Dad Xx
Hey brother
Your blog is cool, the campervan sounds like a brilliant idea, i think thats something i could spend ages doing, thats like proper freedom i bet. The wether looks good there, certainly better than it is here! Your hair gets more ridiculous every time i see your photos, are you trying not to cut it until you get home?
Can we see some photos of the people you'v met, its cool hearing about them but you should get some photos so you'll remember them in the future.
You should try and smuggle some soil or bugs or something into New Zealand when you go and completely destroy their ecosystem, it would be amazing, it would like a clam to fame!
I'm glad your having a good time, im afraid i wont be back in guernsey when you get back, i wanted to be but my contract starts on the first of June so unles you come to england i guess ill see you at the end of august (Vale Earth Fair)
see you later
Hey Ryan, great photos, love the van, where are you now !!! what happened to the photos from the bridge walk ??? hopefully you have been let out of quarantine and will speak soon from NZ lots of love MUM xxx
hey Rian
sonds like ur havin fun. I hear ur goin skiing soon be careful i dont want to have 2 feel sorry 4 u wen u get home lol. :p
Luv Loren
Hi boyo
Sounds like your still having a good time, I would imagine your up for a bit of skiing soon, did you buy some new gear or are you still in your barmuda's and T-shirts.
Take it steady on the roads and the slopes, your no good to me at home nursing a broken leg or worst!!
Dad Xx
Nan And Grandad S.
We can see that you are having a wonderful time.We recognise some of the places you mention in your blog from our visits to Aus.the blue mountains for instance.The view from the road deck of the Harbour bridge is magnificent looking over the opera house etc. so from the top it must be AWESOME!We see that you have arrived in Melbourne.I have three cousins living there.Nan and grandad.