these are getting fewer and further between but i think that's because i've been so much busier. I think i'll start from where i left off. Saturday we had the scholars in again - the picture is from then. They're such lovely girls and they really enjoy being here - many of them have really tough lives! I continue to be amazed by the strength of these people - both the scholars and the girls in the shelter and bars - just the pure determination they have that life is good and they'll make the most of it.
Sunday was Judy's birthday so we had a party involving a videoke machine. I don't think i've told you all about the Filippino obsession with kareoke... sorry if i have. They have hundreds of tiny bars called videokes where you go and have a drink and sing songs for about 5p a time. Its not performing at all its just something they enjoy. Nobody cares if you're out of tune or don't know it - they're a pretty confident people. Anyway that was a fun night - as i'm sure you can all imagine i got quite into the kareoke! lol
Monday was my biology test which only four of them turned up to - apparently because it was a holiday - they seem to have national holidays every week here! Another example of the laid-back attitude. In the afternoon the livelihood got properly started back up again - the cards and jewellery. I've got so into the jewellery this week! Anna will be impressed - i put some photos up of some of the things i've made (no surprise at them all being earrings!). Its been really good because i know a lot about earrings i've been able to show them how to make them. Also on friday Paulo gave us a health project (did I say?) where Judy and I will be doing a health survey of some of the squatter communities in Angeles and then producing a pamphlet with information on how to prevent the most common diseases/health issues and general sanitation, sexual health etc etc. Its quite a bit project and we are going to try and finish it before we leave (fingers crossed) so we've done a lot of that this week in between teaching and making earrings! lol then by five we're pretty exhausted.
We have also finally been added to the chores rota so we're being allowed to do some cooking, washing up and cleaning which is great. At first they wouldn't let us do a thing to help which was quite frustrating as we feel we should be doing our bit. Anyway that's been good (apart from getting up at 6am to cook breakfast four times a week!! argh!).
Last night we went to a sex bar/videoke (many videokes are sex bars too... just for Filippinos not westerners) where we suspected minors were working but it was raining and there wasn't really anyone there. We then went to fields avenue and Judy and I handed out hundreds of fliers to the girls outside the bars (they stand outside a shout at the men to get them to come in). It is useful being white as they all want to talk to us. Very few will actually come but maybe it will make some of them think about alternatives. Its very difficult to convince these girls firstly that it is entirely free with no catches, secondly that there is a real possibility of them getting out and working out a new life, and thirdly that they are good enough to have a better life. Other problems are fear (of many thing), the fact they'd be leaving their friends and the fact some of them know nothing else.
Today we went to a local hospital and the government health official to find out more information for our survey. Was very useful and definitely worthwhile. It means we have a much better idea what we need to ask on the survey. We also saw a preying mantis today! it was small but i was excited to see it (though the other's were terrified - they are pretty evil looking!). I also bought loads of lichees today - they cost about 1p each rather than the extortionate amount they cost in england! The fruit here is awesome.
There's another girl coming to the shelter tomorrow which is exciting.
Anyways they want to lock up the office so best stop. I think there's probably loads i haven't said but it'll come to me.
bye for now xxxxxx
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