So my day started very hectically as I didn't hear my alarm so frantically packed my stuff up and Ian kindly dropped me at the train station to catch my train to Perth! It was a stressful morning as I missed my connections and was so worried that I would miss my bus upto Monkey Mia but I made it, with a few minutes to spare!!
The bus journey was pretty cramped and long, being about 10hours to get to the Overlander Roadhouse, where I then had to get a shuttle to Monkey Mia which was another 2hours!! That is one thing about the West Coast, everywhere is so so far away!! So I landed at Monkey Mia about 7.30pm on Weds 4th May, had a shower and a wander round and hit the sack, I was shattered...bus journey's really take it out of you!
The next day I got up early to watch the dolphin feeding and it was pretty amazing. I think about 6 or 7 dolphin's came right into the shallow waters, they were so so close! And as it was the first time I'd ever seen dolphins it was pretty exciting! And I saw a bit of what the volunteers did, which was bring down the fish for the dolphins to be fed, so they got even closer! I'd have to wait for my induction the next day to see what else i'd be doing!
For the rest of the day I had a proper look round, it took all of about 5minutes! It was just a beach resort and that was all, and without a car that really was it. Beach, shop, restaurant, bar and cafe!! I tried sunbathing for a bit but it was so so hot and the flies....oh my god, you've never seen so many flies, constantly on your face and body and everywhere, it was beyond annoying!! So by the afternoon of the first day I was pretty bored - not a good sign!!
The next day I had my induction and realised that we would be doing a lot of cleaning in between and after the dolphin feeds! And the other 2 volunteers were a Taiwanese couple, who were lovely but really didn't speak much English! They took me to Denham after work that day, which was really sweet of them. Denham is a very small town too, with just a strip of shops, but it was good to get away from the resort for a bit!
So my first day came and the dolphins came in twice so we got to be in the water with them twice which was amazing, especially when they swam past you and touched you!! But a couple of them had been attacked by sharks recently so you could really see their nasty wounds, but we were told dolphins heal really quickly so that's good to know! As the dolphins only came in twice, the rest of the time was spent sweeping, mopping, cleaning!! I loved it!
I only did 7.30 till 12 so found it hard to fill the rest of my days, but generally just read in the shade or pottered around!
Generally my days were the same and their weren't many people around and those who were were all in couples!
My days here were pretty much the same, it was great being in the water with the dolphins, but it was only for very short periods of time and then we were just cleaning, or waiting for them to come back in!
On my last day, I booked a wildlife cruise on a catamaran, which included a free sunset cruise! I loved this. I got chatting to a couple from Wales, they were lovely. And we saw some dolphins and a loggerhead turtle!! He was so cool! He kept coming up for breath!! And the sunset cruise was beautiful, so so peaceful! And I met an aussie copper on this cruise so had someone to talk to which was nice, although he was a bit of a know it all, but ok to chat to for a short amount of time!
I was pretty bored here so I cut my volunteering short and arranged to go up north to coral bay on the wednesday, instead of the friday like i'd planned!
So after I'd finished my last day of volunteering I got my stuff together and waved goodbye to the dolphins and Monkey Mia!!
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