Hiya Everyone
The next update is here. Left Auckland as soon as possible as its just another city basically and headed up to the Bay of Islands. Since being here I have done a forest walk, and then a day trip up the Cape Reigna where the Pacific meets the Tasman Sea. The day included a long coach journey but saw teh ancient Kaur trees whih are pretty big, driving along '90 mile beach' in teh coach (which is teh kind of thing you get arrested for in teh Uk so kinda weird) and eatin shellfish straight from underneath teh sand. Then we went sand boarding before reaching the Cape it self which was pretty awsome although the sand gets everywhere and we had a storm thing going on!
Its like beiong at home with the rain at the moment but I hope it gets better! Anyway I have 5mins internet left so Im off for the mo and will update soon after an overnight cruise I have booked.
'Sweet as' x
Its like
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