Apologies to those who already know, but apparently we should have let you all know on here that we're HOME! We cut the trip a little short and headed home at the end of Feb, after an amazing 6 months on the road. Big thanks to everyone who sent us messages along the way, and special thanks to those people who let us abuse their hospitality - to Angela and Aaron in Perth, Robert et clan in Manly, Jess in Melbourne, Leonie and the flatmates in Christchurch, it was awesome to see you all! Thanks for letting us sleep in real beds. And have real showers. Can't wait to see you all again soon.
So the big adventure is over for now. But maybe one day there'll be another one to look forward to...
Lots of love, Over and out, Jo and Roy XxX
PS. Welcome to the site Granny! Hope you found this blog ok!
- comments
Bobbie "Otherwise we become vunllrabee to charges that we are hypocritical."No, Brian, we certainly wouldn't want THAT to happen."I get in semantical crap with hashfanatic over at my site seemingly every day of my online life."Hey, man, maybe it's semantical, but I wouldn't call it CRAP...