The oasis in the desert of normality.
Ok, so that sounds a smidgen dramatic, I confess. But then again, if you could have experienced the three weeks I just spent in Sydney, you would not hesitate to agree with me. For various reasons of copyright, personal libel and an insufficient memory, I can't relate all of those particular adventures, but this blog should give you a rough idea of how it all progressed… (with all the head-spinning craziness of this whole trip, they are playing Underworld, Born Slippy while I write this - Wes, you cant deny it any more - Trainspotting - fate is on my side!!!). Perhaps, I will get around to uploading some photos that should tell many stories of many thousands of words.
Starting with little expectation, I was dumped head first into a world in which I had never even heard of, let alone been involved in. That world, introduced to me by Wes, the mad man in an Afro, greeting me in full winter woolen coat on 32°C day - at that point of madness, I should have known what was coming. Trainspotting in Sydney, as I was calling it, made my head spin (literally) in its grandeur and in its length. By length, I mean length into each and every one of those nights where I thought sunrises were for old people. This crazy world of VIP parties, DJ friends, and backstage passes quickly wound me up in its web. Not to say I ever fitted in comfortably - I remember distinctly standing in the "penthouse suite" at the Ivy wearing my (dirty) Merrel Gore-tex, Vibram soled, walking boots.. just like in the GQ magazine right? A night spent at the university orientation week party did no better at putting me at ease.. thousands of people walking around happily in their teenage youth and unworldly ignorance made me feel even more out of place. Still, some "normal" fun was also had - lets also not forget getting down and dirty with a massive rack of BBQ-pork ribs, enjoyed right on the beach at Bondi, followed by a bit of nightswimming. Perhaps not unsurprisingly, at no time did I ever feel that there was something better I should be doing… Its amazing what you can accomplish and thoroughly enjoy provided you are with good friends and imbued with good intentions.
Feeling as distant from a "traveller" or "tourist" that I have since leaving London, I embraced the chance at living within a 'normal' world, sleeping in the same place every night (except for the night on Andy's sofa!), using the same shower, etc… And the sojourn to the world capital of Canberra was no different. A completely refreshing and wonderful break, visiting the oldest of friends, rehashing good times, and contemplating the current ones was awesome and helped me regain my sense of who I am (i.e. where I come from). Timmy and Ferris, you guys are doing a wonderful job with Sienna and I hope to be around with a golf club when her first boyfriend pitches up to take her out!
The universe, obviously keenly observing these shenanigans in Sydney, was best placed to offer more twists, more turns, more late nights in the final week. Hopefully, none of the photos from Mardi Gras are developed. Good times with old friends, with new friends and picnics in the rain and old-fashioned pub lunches were the order of those days.. Luckily, with so much having happened, I at least can remember enough to know that I had an amazing time, and that the Sydney chapter goes down with 5 full and glorious stars. Lets just hope that the final chapters of my voyage live up to the standard that has been set.
Cheers Wes, I owe you one.
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