Looking good you pair !!!!!!! Must be SO tough and depresssing out there. xxxxxx
Hey kids, new pics looking very good, blowhole boyyy, should of stood on it and blew off, wouldve been a top laugh. HAHA, got images now of matt yelping and buzzing off into the sky.. no worries, festival looked good, rave it up clarts. Sober raving hard. Umm, enjoy metal fest, was laughing at text..say my name...andy!!!!!!haha, legend. Peace out. Mikey G (better than your bf) hmm.
Dad And Gran
Been looking at the new photos, you pair are looking good, hope it continues , take good care , speak to you soon. xxxxxxx
Mojo Jo Jo
alright gang! lookin heathy kids.... van is lookin pimpin too! Have a mad one at the festival clarts!
Looking good you pair, keep enjoying the trip,speak soon , Dad xxxx Happy anniversary bye the way for Thursday ????? xxxxx
Dad And Maria
Hey travellers, what a great time you are having the pics are brilliant, we are so jealous but miss you so much, your dad is having his operation on tuesday morning so I will keep you informed, he sends his love to you both as he is working hard right now. I can see that you are well on the way to being browner than me han you both look really well hope to speak to you soon keep smiling love and hugs x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Hi-ya Han and Matt just got off the phone to you it was great to hear yr voice. if anyone wants to give you a ring or text the codes are:- to ring 0061448138416 thats from the UK and to text its +61448138416 (make sure to add that + first). Mikes is laughing at me saying you old folk are useless with technology. Anyway enjoy enjoy enjoy your adventures time stands still for no man and the days just wizz by, before you know it you will be pulling into newport bus station umm that sounds dreary doesnt it? even if Wales is gods country. ha ha.. love you millions be safe. mum and the gang. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey guys, kelsey here, just wanted to say, missing you both loads. Walks just aint the same. But seen ur pics, man i would love to chase those kangaroos, id show them, oscar wouldnt stand a chance, haha old git. Anyway, live the dream both, take care. Kelsey and oscar. Going to eat now. Ruff xx
alright HanMat! hows life on the road? the van looks pimpin', pure luxury! keep it real kids.....
The Deemo
its all going on in newport your missing out on loads! honest! stay true to the original south wales!
keep it real ale kids!
Good to see you both look well chilled, nice tans , and some cracking smiles. Keep enjoying and speak to you soon. xxxxxxxx
Hi both, keep those pics coming , must be easy street cooking on that MASSIVE cooker of yours. Hope to speak to the two of you soon on the mobile. Take good care and enjoy the travels, Dad xxxxx