Hello once again ... hope you both are well ... I'm alright here but going slighty insane! Anywho ... keep posting lots of photos! Love
Me! xx
Jpr Williams
Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
Pilgrim through this barren land
I am weak, but thou are mighty
Hold me with thy powerful hand
Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more
Open now the crystal fountain
Whence the healing stream doth flow
let the fire and cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through
Strong deliverer
Be thou still my strength and shield
When I tread the verge of Jordan
Bid my anxious fear subside
Death of death, and hell's destruction
Land me safe on Canaan's side
Songs of praises
I will ever give to thee
Long Lost Brother...
how come everyone gets to go to visit you two goons in Oz/Biffland and im stuck at home eh?!!?!!
hope its going well foolio's!
Mikey G (Oz In Sight)
Guys, stop doing cool stuff until the 10th, then let the good times roll. Metal!!!!!!!!!!!!
Master Bogle
bogle, bogle , bolge, bumblesquat!
Nan Smith
Hiya Han & Matt, just been looking at your photos at Sandra's - great photos, both of you are looking wonderful and very happy!! Good, good, good!! Glad Matt enjoyed his birthday at Ayres Rock - belated happy birthday Matt!! Australia looks wonderful and van looks cool! Love Nan
The Mix Master Himself
Holla!!!! Pics are amazing, got the nirvana cover going on there! haha, HAPPY BIRTHDAY M DOGG. 26, wow, u best make this ur last big trip, start settling down like. haha, have a wicked time tho.its ur birthday in the port right now, not sure bout where u are, but set ur watch to newport time and keep the flame burning. Cant believe how far u travel in such a small amont of time, i bet wen u get back ull think the alton towers drive is just like going down for a pint of milk! haha. Anyway keep living the dream. Newport vet-Mikey G
Jean Jeanie
Happy Birthday Matt... have a drink on me... :-)
Happy Birthday Old Man!!! 26 going on 60!!!
Hi both, those photos of Fraser Island , it looks an amazing place, Joe was right in saying it is a great place. Hope the van is working well for you two and take care , speak to you soon, and more pics please they are brilliant, bye for now . Dad xxx, Happy birthday son , for the 5th, have a good one , and have a blow-out.
Hello again ... the photos look amazing. Hannah, you were very brave to stand next to that snake ... I would have pooped myself! I'm sat in uni right now bored out of my mind. Send some sunshine and warm weather our way pretty please! Anywho ... 30ft of Christams cards here I come! (I'm working soon)! GIANT MOVE TONIGHT! Speak soon ... xx
you do realise that giant tree is actually treebeard don't you! :-) xxx