Found the campsite easy this time. Theres protests going on about the g20 ot something, we may go down and take on some of the cops newport style! hahah. 11 hours ahead now! took a wander around its really busy we found out the Parkway Drive were playing and we looked for the venue which we found and bought tix. 6 hardcore bands for a tenner, stayed in town so we werent really dressed for the occassion but we went against the fold and didnt wear tight black jeans with little dappers tight black t-shirt and slick hair. Hannah even had her walking boots on, talk about f00king the system!!! gig was good knackered us out so we had a lazy day today. Going to find out about the neighbours tour tomorrow if i meet harold ill die happy!! Hired the spa and sauna room today only cost 4 quid bargain! Off to phillip island in 2/3 days so i can have my hot laps in a super charged v8. Word H&M xxx
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