Rosie takes over the world!! (solo styly)
i live here. im a local. the hostel staff know me and i have a favourite drink in COCOs, the coffee shop. even the woman behind the counter remarked that we go there every day. she asked if we were staying for the season, i assured her we were leaving tomoro (at 3pm cause we cant get ane rlier bus). whilst ive been in queenstown ive not been doing that much, but when i have made it out of the hostel its been for good reasons. (ps i bumped into keira-wicked girl i met in aus in christchurch-wicked!).
i did my skydive, after banging on about thinking i was gonna die for the whole trip, it was the easiest, least scary thing ive ever done, and also very very fun. cant wait to do it again. im bringin u with me dad!! cant wait.
did a canyon swing, twice. got up the courage to do 'the chair' u sit on a garden chair and rock backwards on the edge until u fall off, wicked. staff called me lucy, bit of a running joke for no reason and they pretended i was gonna die. funny lads.
went skiing, dan taught me. i can now put skis on and takw them off.what an achievment. no seriously i can also turn and stop (sometimes). thanks to you dan, very good teacher. im gonna see if theres a ski holiday at oxford i can go on, i need to learn proplerly, but yeh it is fun, its jsut one of those things u wish u were amzing at, and ur just not. like ice skating, which we did yesterday, i didnt fall over, which for me was the main success of the day. apart from going out last night and having a ball. boys have a habit of going bak erly, but it doesnt stop me, i had a really good night, bit of a boogie.
cannto wait to go to FIJI being on the hot weather. im whiter than a snow man and broker than a student and i wanna go home. no i dont, yes i do, ah i dont know. put it this way, im lookin forward to it now. im ready. take me air new zealand and put me on a flight to fiji and then to manchester....the best place in the world (apart from perth)
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