So, it's the night before I go off on my Tanzanian adventure and I can't wait!
The bags are packed (a first for me, a veteran last-second packer) and there are only a few last minute errands to do tomorrow, so it looks like this might all actually work out!
I'm already missing my family and friends an unbelievable amount though, I'm not sure how I'm going to make it five whole months without them! Plus, I'm not entirely sure whether my new housemates will understand my somewhat quirky sense of humour or write me off as the girl who went crazy from too much Doxycycline....Only time will tell.
Well, now I'm totally exhausted and in need of a good few hours sleep for the last time in my utterly beloved bed so I'm off but I'll write to you all soon!
With love and just a sprinkling of total anxiety,
- Ruby x
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