oh Ronnie I'm sooo Jealous!And might I say what a good Idea this site is! You look to be having an amazing time....continue the good work : ) much love and hugs. Kelly x
Hi Ronnie
Great to hear your stories on returning to Oz. The photo of you standing in front of the harbour bridge brings back memories as I was standing there just 3 months ago and have a very similar photo. Have a fantastic time on your travels.
Best wishes
Grrrrr, pout and Woohoo all the same. The grrrr is pure jealousy, ignore it. The pout has been frozen there for about a fortnight as a flash freeze took place the moment you left and I was stuck in a moment of contemplating your scorching travels. As for woohooing, well a girl's gotta' do a little dance of joy when her boys are off having such a fabulous time! Pinch each other's bums for me! (Oh wait, kindly refrain from passing that instruction on to Phil. Parts of Ian have suffered enough.) :o)
Hi Ronnie HAPPY MARDI GRAS !!!!!!!!!!!!! have wonderful time make sure you get to the after parties ....
Scott : )
The Greig Family
Hi Ronnie glad to see you arrived safe and sound. Printed off the postcrads and will take to Mum on Saturday morning - Alec is bound to see them by Saturday afternoon!!!
Everything OK here - very cold and lots of snow - not that you would be worried about that.
Safe journey.
Kelly Luker
Well well - I knew you had it in you but seeing is believing : ))) Have a truly wonderful time young man and as my mum always says 'If you cant be good be careful!' ; ) cant wait to see the pics. let your hair down Honey ! x
Mark Russell
Ronnie you are a dark horse arn't you !! whoever would have thought, looks like I don't have to say have fun enjoy yourself etc. Enjoy.... I will visit this site periodically to reinforce that I am at heart a boring b******. Mark
Hey Ronnie, good to have you back! Sounds like you had a truely amazing time and I loved looking through your album - do you think those fashionable head nets will take off in England?! Wasps BEWARE!!Take care and best of luck with your next venture. Lou xx
Welcome home. Now's definitely the time to start planning your next trip. Look forward to hearing first hand all the tales which couldn't go into the updates!
Hey Ronnie!
Whoo-hoo, I got the "maddest person" award in your latest postcard. I´m so honoured (really, I am!!!!) Glad you´ve had fun travelling, make sure you still keep in touch when you get home!
Mr Greig, you're starting to turn into a philosopher. Most profound and hugely entertaining - Bea won't know what's hit her!
Oh listen to you... 'Angkor Wat is so touristy'.... who's become a snob traveller hey? Just kidding. anyway, the tropical heat and humidity has hit London in time for your return, so it'll be just like Angkor Wat, only without the rainforest and with the tourists!