Dragging my head from the pillow, I became aware that my arm was stuck to the sheets. Operational decisions at this juncture could prove difficult, but I snapped into solution mode and poured water over my arm and onto the sheet...voila, arm unstuck from white sheet, but it wasn't white...there was an unacceptable amount of claret present, and after further investigations, it appeared the water slide injury may need more than just a band aid! We traipsed around for two hours trying to find a doctors/surgery/hospital in Nha Trang in the searing heat. After nearly giving up hope, we stumbled onto to the main surgery in Nha Trang... Number 22. No wonder we couldn't find it, as these b*****s have no relevant numbering system! Next door was 34.... Makes sense obviously! After paying around 2 pounds sterling to see nurse, we were led to a side examination room. The nurse took off the dressing and made a gasping noise, resulting in her exiting the room in a jiffy. After a few moments she reappeared with shiny steel tools, and started messing about with my elbow. Jasmin then yells out, obviously supporting me, and reassure me by saying ' urrggghhh, I think I'm going to be sick!' I am laughing by this point...the two people that are unaffected by said injury, are carrying on like a bunch of pork chops and I'm sat there laughing. In defence of jasmin, they showed me through the use of a mirror that the skin and flesh and torn back to the bone. I'm not saying this to sound like a macho male, but at no point could I feel any pain.maybe I have problems! Ha ha. The doctor then burst through the door, and had a look, he made an 'ooooohhhhh' noise, followed by his frankie lee type claw hand leading me to surgery for stitches. Three of them later, he gave me the worst possible news that anyone could tell me.... ' I couldn't go into the water for seven days'. This being due to the potential bacterial infections. Truly upsetting! Especially as we had planned to go snorkelling at the reefs in two days time. New activities required! We wandered down to the beach to have a relax, as we were heading out the afternoon sightseeing. Jasmin was content listening to Britney Spears while I stared at the was staring back, goading me like beacon to join the refreshing, turquoise waters to cool down. I resisted and resisted the temptations luring me towards its fateful bosom, until I could resist no more. It was like a scene out of chariots of fire.... In slow motion the sea and I became closer and closer like long lost loves reuniting. Then for the next twenty minutes I stood in the water, one arm in the air like I was asking a question in maths class. People actually moved away from me obviously thinking I was a complete weirdo. Every cloud......ha ha First tourist visit for the afternoon was Po Nagar Cham towers, which was an elevated heritage site of four temples overlooking the harbour. Built around the 7th century, they were the preserved versions of what the unfortunate temples of My Son should've looked like. There are recreations of historical events, religious ceremonies and dedications. It is a very spiritual place in some ways, but what seems to be the reoccurring theme in Vietnam, if there is a chance to scam money out of tourists, they have thought of it. If you even touch the structures, you were expected to pay a fee to show your respect. In aid of good health and lifestyle, the TRX was attached to a banana tree and workout at the 1000 year old temples was banged out. Always time for a bit of fizz, as my recruits instructor used to say. An attempt was then made to go to the Long San Pagoda, which homes the Giant Buddha, but after driving around the city over and over again in the complete madness( imagine a normal road, then fill it full of scooters so there is no Tarmac space, and all riders are doing at least 40km an hour-it's character building I tell thee!) the hunt was eventually called off. After dinner, we met with the Dutch couple, Tom and Anna for some drinks at a rooftop bar. The bar served frosty beer for about 35 pence a bottle, had a great playlist on like The Doors, Manu Chau, The Police, Blue Oyster Cult and Bob Dylan. Many games of pool followed and The Saigon Red beer most definitely a good accompaniment on such a sweltering evening.
- comments
PC Spanky Lee doing the stiches...!!...Ey Ey Ey Ah Se Ah Se.............Goooooooo on lard......ying-yang stylie sounds good
ron cmon bank! ah se...cmon
Nickster Always nice to have a 'battle scar' from your adventures