Long time, no blog entry. And this is the last. Have completed New Zealand and Fiji which were both great. Now in LA and there is a mini heatwave so very hot. Should be back in less than a week so will leave it there. See everybody soon.
Long time, no blog entry. And this is the last. Have completed New Zealand and Fiji which were both great. Now in LA and there is a mini heatwave so very hot. Should be back in less than a…
Done so much since last blog. Sydney is great with so much to see. Ahead of schedule so also went to Melbourne which is generally accepted (and we both agree) to be a better city. It is ve…
Now in Byron Bay which is a great Surfers hangout. Loads of good waves and stoned locals. Flew from Cairns to Brisbane and had a couple more days there. Heavy drinking and saw a live NZ band c…
Back in Weston now, Rog. New York greatly over-rated and unpleasantly cold after Las Vegas. Off again on April 23 for three weeks in Egypt at usual hotel near Pyramids. What is your return date?
Surprised that Oz has become so expensive since I was there. The crocs in the creeks always worried me a bit whilst doing the camping bit. Glad you 're enjoying it all.
make that three.
I've got some great shots of the mancester ship canal. No weird birds or trees but a good one of a police traffic cone and a dead squirrel belly up in the water!
Michael (the real deal)
Two can play at this game -
Is there a facility for me to upload some photo's of Portsmouth city centre? As an added brucy bonus, I'll also include some of the surrounding areas - calm yourself Roggy!
Matt Smith
Until I have clear photographic evidence that you _ARE_ in these places, I've no choice but to consider the whole thing a giant hoax to avoid work and the increased tax on alcohol in UK.
How can Damian still be lillywhite after Brisbane? It's boiling there. And Thailand! In the unlikely event of you actually being in the Southern Hemisphere can I please soon see:
a) Picture of Brit-packed "Woolpack" pub in Cairns (with you both in it)
b) Damian drinking "a stubby"
c) Some roadkill (Wombats or Kangaroos are acceptable)
yawn,more pictures i can see on the Australian tourist web site! Where are the photos of the wild nights out, girls, Wynne Jones pissed up for crying out loud!!!
Viewing your blog from Las Vegas. Very interesting stuff. Re going to Cairns, if you check with the local campervan renter they usually have vans needing to be taken to Cairns for arrival of clients from Europe and will highly discount the rental for you to take one. Also saves on hotels. Renters' sites are on web and you can see what's available and to where. The youth hostel in Cairns is quite good but noisy. Bon voyage.
Hi Ho
Looks like you boys are having a ball, keep up the good work. More pics of you chaps rather than scenery, can get that off the web. Cheers for 24 Rog, we've watched it all in under a week.
Got your message re NTL - will try again before heading for America on Mar 1 for month. Had a drink with Phil and he was most enthusiastic about what he had seen - the scenery I mean! Keep making the memories.
Hi Rog, me and Abi have just been having a look at the blog for the first time. Sounds like you are having a great time. Hope your loving every minute. Pic's look good, very unreal especially all those bikes! Crazy! We will try and look at the blog more often now! Look after yourself. Speak soon. Jackie & Abi xxx