Hello people, hope you are all well. Yep I agree, what a cup final, one of the best, definitely rates up there with the 1990 cup final between palace and man utd. Palace were crap in the second leg, drew 0-0, lost 3-0 on agg, oh well hopefully next year, id rather do it as champs rather than playoffs to be fair, we shall just have to see who goes eg AJ.
Holtwoods awards night on 3rd June, were having it at the dogs so should be quality
Speak later boys
Steve - Happy As!!!
OH MY GOD WHAT A FINAL!!!! Stevie G is and absolute frickin' LEGEND!!!! He just does it time after time, after time!!! Gray and i were up till 5am watching the game in this wicked club called the "holy grail". Its a big old sports bar/club type thing with about 100 dirty great plasma screens plus 2 MAHOUSIVE cinema screens....all with the footy on. There were shed loadsa people up dancing though and they had a dj so, get this.....the manager saw us with our liverpool shirts on, swanned over to us and said "do you want your own personal room to watch the game with the commentary?" and we were like "damn skippy son" so he took us and a load of other english lads up to this other room....again with a dirty great plasma screen and a bar.....how good is that!!!! Me and Gray were causing a scene of course.....shouting and screaming at the telly, singing our hearts out all the way through. Paying for it this morning though....had 4 hours sleep and my throat is killing me. Not quite the 3-0 battering i predicted but YAY!!! Yet another trophy for Rapha's army!!!
And they think its all over ? But no one told Stephen Gerrard, what a goal. Fantastic! Well done to the reds.
sorry about that man kept pressin the wrong button any way hows it goin cant believe you been sky drivein im so jealous not much to repot over here gem is leave soon and hopefully i wont be far behind her!!!! cross your fingers for me!!
you gettin the lost updates ok still?? so wot you up to now then you got any lovein in your wagon?? dirty boy!!
you still drivin around at the mo?
better be of anyway
loadsa ove tiff
Mick, the hammers are gonna GET IT at the weekend. It's gonna be at least a 3-0 woopin'....i just hope super Xabi Alonso is gonna be fit in time!! No seriously, good luck to the hammers....they're gonna need it!!! Hope you're well mate. Face, sorry to see that the palace have been sentenced to another season in the championship....never mind eh......theres always next year!!!! At least then if your boys get to the first new wembley playoff final ill be able to come....YAY!!!
The Happy Hammer
Hi Steve, looks like life is treating you well geezer
Good luck for Saturday, see who wants it more, will be a close game but COME ON YOU IRONS!!!!!!
Mick Bevan
PS We did the Spurs on Sunday, they all pretended they had bird flu or girlie flu or something, but when the Police analyised the Lasagne all they could find was Hard Cheese and Sour Grapes : )
Take care Matey
Palace definitely aint going to Cardiff mate, we lost 3-0 at home in the first playoff semi final, I dont hold much hope for the return leg mate. I shall come on here and let you know how we get on mate on Wednesday, hope your well! Laters
Ben Jones
yay!!!!!! Sorry I not been in touch for so long, am missing you boys down this way! But glad for you that you're off adventuring and not in this s***hole!! Hope things are going well, drop me a mail if you can, [email protected] love love love big love, Benny jones xxxxx
Bex (Steve Sis)
yo bruva! sorry aint sent ya a msg 4 ages! just had a look at all ur pics, they r funny, i cant believe u jumped out of a plane! u boys have got sum guts! and u did u bunjie! oh my god, i cud neva do dat! good on ya tho! great to look back on and show ya kids wen ur older, im so jealous!! well ive not been doin much just working really....FUN! goin on holiday at the end of june to spain, i wanna do that thing where ur attached to a parachute and a boat pulls u along! i dunno wot thats called! hehe. its not quite as mad as wot uve dun but still cool! i cant wait. oh yeah..... i definatley fink u shud write a book wen u get back,hope ur havin a wicked time! miss ya loads and loads and loads!! mwah love lil sis xx
Robbie Globe Trotter
Id just like to second that Steve, about grays appalling driving skills, in somthing that is surpose to be non contact!, and I am awarding you at least 2 wins! due to his disqualification ; ) Thanks for the advise Becks, though what you say is liable hehe! If you want any advise on South America, just let us know. Tut tar for now!
Steve - Globetrotter/luge Driver/skydiver/bungy Jumper/off Road Quad Biker
Howdy ho peeps!!! Quick update on recent events!! We seem to be doing a mini golf tour of NZ at the mo. Everywhere we go there seems to be a course and we just can't resist. We went to one the other day which was the funkiest one i've ever seen. It had space rockets and chairlifts for the balls n stuff...was pretty kool but yet again.....i lost!!! The next day we did the one just across the road from it......TWICE!! God, were kool!! Ive still only managed to win one round out of about a million!! Yesterday was ACE. We bummed around for most of the day but in the afternoon we decided to go watch some people bungy jump. Now, i had no intention of doing it at all and i can safely say neither did Gray. Robbie on the other hand, after watching about 100 other people do it, plucked up the courage first and just went for it on his own! Good lad!! After a bit of persuasion, Gray and I went for it too. After all, there was NO WAY i was gonna let Rob gloat that he was the only one to have bungy jumped in NZ!! Anyway, once you're up there, its not bad at all. They strap you in really well of course and you don't really get time to think about it. They just say "three....two......one......GO!!". On the count of "one" there was a tiny bit of doubt in my mind but my legs had already pushed me off the ledge by then and i had started my beautiful swan dive, off the bridge, towards the icey water below, hehe. The feeling was amazing i have to say and would definately do it again!!! We did the luge thing again too which was very kool. I actually managed to stay on this time. Robbie didn't.....He and Gray were having a bit of a tustle between them in their luges and poor old robbie came off worse, flipping his luge spectaularly and grazing his knees. NICE. Gray won most of the races but he is A CHEETING GIT. They should make one of those at home...fun for all the family!! We have just come back from and hour and a half of off road quad biking which was "sweet as" as the Kiwi's would say....and do.....alot! They took us up mountains and through puddles and streams etc. Got very muddy but was wicked fun. Were staying one more night here in Queenstown before moving onto Dunedin (student town). I think im just about extreme sportsed out now! Done everything i wanted to do here and more! Okey spokey chaps...keep the messages coming. Becky thanks for the tip.... Rob has managed to keep his gob firmly shut about these "shotputters" he's tried pulling in the past but is always quick to take the piss out of me for it. Anyway, ive only pulled one wrongun' on this trip so far!!! Heya Amu, great to hear from ya mate. Im still loving the Koeman...listen on your myspace site all the time. Cant believe your supporting liberty x though...shocking. Saying that, the girlies are fit as....nice!! How did the sun battle of the bands go?
Sounds like you re having great fun lads. Well done.
Check this though!
Koeman are spporting Liberty X at Chicagos! How funny is that!
Much love