Rob's Global Adventure!
Hi FolksThought I would report in from Sunny Darwin in the NT, and let you know what ive been up to since Crimbo. Firstly ive whacked on a load of pickys on the website for you guys to have a look at them, there under (Ozzy Crimbo and Outback Oz)Well ill Start with new Year. Which was spent down at the harbour bridge. We rocked up there about 3pm in the afternoon, with quite a few crates of VB and Tooheys. Ready for some fireworks! The 9pm Showing was ace, and I think the 12pm one was even better either I could see twice as many fireworks, well either that or i was seeing double! ; ) So after a few days to recover, (Well 11 to be pricise) a trip to see England attempt to play Cricket! (My god what a waste of time that was! though at lest I can say a sore Shane Warnes Last ever test) and a bit ofa sydney send off, with my new found chum's down at Darling harbour. I flew off to Alice Springs.Now what can I say about Alice? Hot Humid, Spase and Generally not alot going on there! Plenty of Abo's down and out kicking around. But not a place you would want to spend long in! In Speaking to local generaly a day consist of Working and Drinking, Drinking and Working! So I soon left to Head down to uluru (Ayres Rock) a short 5 hour bus trip from Alice (Arrgghh!) Now considering We got no Sunset or Sunrise I was pretty impressed with the place, especialy when you learn a little about the Aborigonal culture, and what the place means to them. I wont bore you with the details, but these guys have been around for thousends of years, so its quite a shame when most people only see the drunken down and out side in the big cities here nowerdays. So after the Rock, Kings Cayon, the Olgers and other reddy colour such stuff, it was time to head north!Now you would think being central OZ it would be pretty dry! Oh no! when it rains here it really does! And we found this out first hand, when the flood barriers broke onto the road on route north. Ive never seen water come up do quick!. Fortunatly after a bit of Wading through puddles and some very close to call trips through some raging currents we made it to our first destination Banka Banka, about 330km north of Alice and truley the middle of nowhere! just into the tropics, And yes, we were camping and yep it was still chucking it down! So only plan of action was to get blotto at the most random Local Pub ever, listerning to Storeys about wolf creek, Mark Falconio, and other people that have diserpeared in the desolate place, before crawling back to out tents into soggy sleeping bags, fighting of the random insects, having a rave inside! The Following day we hopped into the bus for another 300k drive thought endless plans of nothingness, past the Devils Marbles (Large err rocks that look nothing like Marbles!) and up to Katherin Gorge. We did a bit of a walk around the place in 35c heat, using twices as much energy to swot flys away every second! but a pretty picturesc place all the same. A nice cool dip in one of the near by thermal pools went down a treat if it hadent been for the thousends of roosting Bats above us, emptying there back sides! eewww! After a brief stop off in Dawin we headed out to kakadu, (croc country!) to do a "cruise" down the Aderlade river croc spotting. We were pretty much guerented to see them considering they were hang big lumps of meat off the side off the boat. I saw croc's in Cairns but not as up close as here. They would crash into the boat after a bit of fresh meat... be it human or animal, or a camera or two! got some wicked pictures though!! And saw one of the biggest on record at the moment. a 6.5 meter chap named "Hanable" nuff said! ; ) After our croc encounters there's not allot else to do in Kakadu other than go swimming in one of the many fresh water streams, underneath beautifle water falls. Being the wet season up here, the water level rise's meaning allot of these pools are closed of for fear of those nasty looking creaters that make good handbags taking a swim into them! The big signs saying "Beware croc's" are a little disconserting as you wander by in your kegs! Though we were always informed by our guides that that theres very little chance of any of them getting in the waters we were swimming in! Maybe a few "freshies" but there more scared of you! ? ! ? Plus we were already getting eaten alive by biting flys and mozys. Think of the most anoying sensation buzzing in you ear, the times it by 1000, and repeat it over the course of the day! So being in the water was quite a relif So know I am currently residing in Baking hot Darwin, Back in a proper bed! yey! just chilling out, working on the tan, and boozing with tour pals for my last few days in Oz. before flying to Bangkok on the 29th Jan. Plan of action being to check out Cambodia, though funds are getting pretty short, then Hong Kong before heading back to good old Blighty! It will be a bit of a shame to Leave Oz, as ive had a great time here, and Loved living and working in Sydney, though im sure Kent comes a close second ; ) And Im sure ill be back here one of these days!Anyhoo folks! take it easy, and ill be in touch soonRob : )
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