Well, hello there again. . . . Not much to report. . . . I did a few days in Penang, but didn't really rate it that much. . . . I managed to get to see a few footy games, but watching Liverpool destroy Derby 6 -0 pretty much summed up my time there. . . . I was still not feeling so good from some dodgy food, so took it pretty steady for a few days. . . . I did finally leave, thank god and booked a flight to Phuket in Thailand. . . .
I got to Phuket and headed over to a hotel in Patong Beach, the liveliest place on the island. It didn't really have a good write up and is meant to be a bit sleazy (and it is, sort of) but it has been great for people watching for a few days and a good intro to Thailand. . . . As a bonus, the night after I arrived I heard my name called and it was Steve, one of the other dive instructors from the island that I played poker with. . . . He seemed really pleased to see me, more so he could go out for a beer with someone I think. . . ?!?! Anyhow, we arranged to meet up later that night and do food and stuff. . . . . I also had Wades number to call. Wade was one of the instructors at Sunlight, where I was. . . . So I called Wade and he met up with us too. . . . .
So, the 3 of us hit the town (so to speak), got some food and went to one of the lively ladyboy bars. . . . . Just for comedy value. . . They were all just dancing around and getting the boobies out. . . . It was great watching the Japanese tourists taking loads of pictures. . . I didn't have my camera, but am out with the boys again tonight, so will get some. . . .
The night didn't amount to much other than a great laugh and a few beers, which was great for a change as I was feeling a lot better. . . .Wade was also a little drunk which was quite funny to watch. . . . . !
Any way, not much else to say a bout the place, I have just been chilling out and wondering around really, stared reading another book which is cool, so am happy again. . . .
Plus, my plans have changed again and I am gonna head off to Indonesia for a week or so with Steve and the other Steve from Sunlight divers. . . . Steve offered for me to join them diving at a great spot somewhere. . . Not sure where it is, but it sounds like great fun. . . So, why not hey. . . Plans can change and I still should have enough time to do the main sites in the other south east Asia spots. . . . So will let you know how I get on. . . I can't wait. . . ! Great guys, great diving, should be fun?!?!
So, off out again tonight, the weather has improved and all is well in the world. . . . Thanks for all your emails guys, you know who you are. . . .It's still great to hear from everybody and always puts a smile on my face. . .
Take care and speak to you all again soon. . . . Ciao x x x
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