Robert Powell's Travels
About Robert
Ok so in 6 hours I get a plane to return to England. We've just returned to Halifax and are hanging around here and seeing some sights (including the fortune cookie picture from the mongolian place we've just been to) before heading to the airport.
We had a good time in Cape Breton doing their Cabot Trail, seeing the Whiskey Distillery an…
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Halifax, Nova Scotia
Ok so in 6 hours I get a plane to return to England. We've just returned to Halifax and are hanging around here and seeing some sights (including the fortune cookie picture from the mongolian …

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Sydney, Nova Scotia
OK, well now I know what the middle of nowhere really means - no wifi. After much faffing the other day in airports, we finally arrived in Nova Scotia.We had a great time in Washington and man…
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Alexandria, Virginia
We've now made it to Washington, well just outside. We're staying at a friend of Hugh's for the next few nights before we head to Canada (via Baltimore).
Philadelphia I really liked and had l…
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Just made it to Philadelphia. We took turns to drive which really wasn't as its not far at all, but we both wanted to get used to it. Think of it as swapping drivers halfway to Birmingham. The…
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Rob Yeah it was OK, they took my deodorant and sun cream off me though. I preferred the Pentagon.
re: Alexandria, VirginiaGymer That sounds like an awesome game, there's never that many runs in a match! I hope you got a corn dog and wore a beer can hat
re: Boston, Massachusetts- last visited

- travel plan
- Manchester, UK
- Ealing, UK
- Hillingdon, UK
- Montreal, Quebec
- Boston, Massachusetts
- New York, New York
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Washington, Washington D.C.
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Newark, New Jersey
- Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
- Red Point, Nova Scotia
- Hillingdon, UK
- Manchester, UK
Tony Try fishing. !!!
Rob I think you know that's not my scene.